Anonymous ID: 94ab8d Aug. 13, 2023, 7:29 p.m. No.19354181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4192


Yeah sounds good other than he gives numbers, never give numbers.

Also I disagree, even if Christ showed to all some would still say fake & gay probably spit then get smited, kek. Have you not witnessed the level of TDS, cognitive dissonance or whatever you wanna call it people are in these days?

Anonymous ID: 94ab8d Aug. 13, 2023, 7:46 p.m. No.19354243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4250 >>4265 >>4319 >>4343 >>4629

Fren Anon just sent anon this on soc med…

>Trust? Lucis Trust. The Plan? Trust the Plan?


The Plan: What is it?


"The Plan," a phrase that occurs often in the writings of Alice Bailey, founder of Lucifer Trust (Lucis Trust). It refers to specific preparations being made to usher in a New Age [New World Order] and a New Age Christ:

The Plan (also known as the Great Plan) is the occult vision to take over the world:


In October, 1982, an ad appeared in Reader's Digest, page 203, a full page, in full colour, from Lucis Trust, the brains behind the New Age Movement. This was a prayer to Maitreya called "The Great Invocation." The last line of the prayer reads: "Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth." They call their vision to take over the world "The Plan."


The Plan is revealed in the 24 books of esoteric philosophy (occultism) written by Alice Bailey. Dr. Michael Coffman, editor of Discerning The Times, wrote:


"The work of Lucis Trust is carried out through its Arcane School of the occult and World Goodwill.(4) Together, they carry out what is termed "The Plan," which is revealed in 24 books written by Bailey and published by Lucis Trust. Bailey claims Djwhal Khul, her Ascended Master, actually wrote the books through her using automatic writing while she was in a trance.(5) Ascended Masters, according to Theosophy, are superhuman beings who are part of an exalted hierarchy of demigods that secretly guide the affairs of humanity."


"The focus of the Plan is to usher in the "Harmonic Convergence," also known as the Omega, Mind Convergence, Fusion or Turning Point. The momentous event represents the point in time when man evolves or leaps forward into his "higher self" and becomes one with the cosmos and the web of life."


Moar in sauce:

