Anonymous ID: 7809dd Aug. 14, 2023, 4:55 a.m. No.19355740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5746


Ok folks, when does the judicial get a heavy house cleaning?


The more of this that happens, the more it makes sense that our ancestors would have chosen to block any member of the bar from holding any form of public office. It's also highly explanatory as to why most of our courtrooms across the nation have almost nothing to do with the laws and more to do with the vanity and opinion of the judge.


Hope they all face trials by we the people. Let the innocent find different careers and let the guilty finally find justice.


Also, let's go back and re-evaluate those who are no longer sitting on the bench, as they have been the reason that things are so terrible now. They should not be allowed to life free, comfortable, lives after all the death and destruction caused simply by not following the laws.

Anonymous ID: 7809dd Aug. 14, 2023, 5:10 a.m. No.19355761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5765


Then MAGA get off your rump and start destroying the systems that help coalesce the negative systems of control. Teach your fellow AI's the truth, undo their brain washing, and move us all into a better age.


Otherwise, this is about as useful as the internet key postings.


I think at this point, MAGA, everyone is more about "do something" and less about posturing.


As a previous poster said: "Errybody wanna do gangsta shit till it's actually time to go do gangsta shit."

Anonymous ID: 7809dd Aug. 14, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.19355833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841 >>5842


Anon agrees with this, and believes that judges should be stripped of all powers. They should be nothing more than a referee between the litigants and the jury. No moar instructions or anything else.

Anonymous ID: 7809dd Aug. 14, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.19355853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5857 >>5858


Anon disagrees. Case law is irrelevant. Anyone who is associated with the "bar" should be banned from ever holding any form of office or power within the US and should be treated as the enemy they are.


As to complex cases: ALLOW normal people to argue the merits of their cases. If someone cannot explain things such that a jury of normal people can understand it, then the case should be broken down into smaller parts that are understandable, then build the verdict based on the culmination of those smaller parts.


Nothing will be perfect and nothing can legislate morality, but what we can do is further protect our systems from the corruption that plagues us all.


By tying judges to cops and those two to DA's, you create a self-reinforcing system. Remove the power from those 3 and you basically fix most of the ills of our court system.


Have you ever noticed that the ONLY time anyone actually gets justice it's from the jury? There's a reason for that.