Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 3:03 a.m. No.19355527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5536 >>5680 >>5806 >>5860

13 Aug, 2023

‘Dehumanizing Russians’ has backfired – ex-Zelensky aide


The hateful behavior of “collective Ukrainians” has gifted Russian troops more purpose to fight, Aleksey Arestovich has claimed


A general Ukrainian effort to “dehumanize”Russians has become the main “mistake”made by the country in the ongoing conflict, Aleksey Arestovich, a former adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky said on Sunday.


Speaking to journalist Yulia Latynina, Arestovich condemned the systemic efforts to “dehumanize” Russians, stating that the strategy has clearly backfired and purportedly only gave Russian troops more reasons to fight.


“The main thing we did was to allow ourselves to dehumanize the Russians. This is our main mistake. At first we held on and then we delved into all that with pleasure. The collective Ukrainians, I mean. We allowed that to pour into the internet,” Arestovich stated. He added that such behavior gave average mobilized Russians –not professional soldiers– “an excellent motivation to fight.”


The former aide to the Ukrainian president didn’t elaborate on when “collective Ukrainians” had switched from what he called“behaving like a European nation” to “demonizing” Russians, with ordinary citizens in a neighboring state “creating an image of an orc.”


From the early days of the conflict, Ukrainian propaganda has been actively portraying Russian troops as primitive savages who’d never seen basic home appliances, toilets or even paved roads. This disinformation also alleged widespread looting, as well as the torture and rape of Ukrainians. The charges against Russia were amplified by top officials, among them the then-human rights chief Lyudmila Denisova, who ultimately was sacked after most of the rape claims turned out to be fake.


Senior Ukrainian officials have repeatedly made hateful remarks about Russians during and even well before the years of hostilities between the two countries turned to the recent fighting. For instance, Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, claimed earlier this month that a presence of “humanity” was the key difference between Ukrainians and Russians.


“I’m fine with Asians, but Russians are Asians. They have a completely different culture, vision. Our key difference from them is humanity,” Danilov stated live on Ukrainian TV, which itself became a heavily censored, state-approved “broadcasting marathon” amid the hostilities.


The top presidential aide Mikhail Podoliak has also repeatedly made hostile remarks, claiming that Russians are universally “hated”by Ukrainians, as well as voicing calls on a daily basis to “kill Russians” by the thousands.


Moscow has for years voiced outrage over rampant Russophobia in Ukraine, arguing it has been fostered by Kiev into a state-level policy. Ukraine has passed laws severely restricting the use of the Russian language in education, media, and everyday life, with the situation deteriorating even further after the conflict between the two nations escalated to military action in February 2022.

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 3:18 a.m. No.19355562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5576

AHEM, Anthony Oliver Holds Stunning Nine Spots Amid iTunes Top Twenty, Including #1 and 4 of Top 5


August 13, 2023 | Sundance

I know we frequently say that if you look at the raw data before it is corrupted by those who control the information networks, you will discover we are in the overwhelming majority. However, sometimes it’s important to emphasize it.


In less than a week since his “Rich Men North of Richmond” song was noticed, Anthony Oliver has taken over the iTunes billboard rankings and now holds the record of 9 of the 20 most downloaded songs. Not only is his viral sensation #1, but his music library is dominating the charts. Today, he sang in Virginia:


We are the workforce.


We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.


We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all working, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.


We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.


We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.


We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.


We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.


We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.


We are the majority.


We can bring a halt to everything, simply by stopping what we do.


We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.


We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.


We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.


We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.


We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.


We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.


We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.


We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.


We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.


We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.


We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.


We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.


We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.


We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.


We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!


In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.


Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.


The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.


First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….


….We are praying!


Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…


….We are praying for those who trespass against us!


They may not like what follows, “Amen!”


We are resolute and of common purpose.


We are MAGA!


[ Fuel the Rebellion ]

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 3:22 a.m. No.19355576   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In less than a week since his “Rich Men North of Richmond” song was noticed,Anthony Oliver has taken over the iTunes billboard rankings and now holds the record of 9 of the 20 most downloaded songs. Not only is his viral sensation #1, but his music library is dominating the charts. Today, he sang in Virginia:

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 3:38 a.m. No.19355611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5632 >>5666 >>5680 >>5806 >>5860

Lawfare Rep Goldman Admits Biden Broad Immunity Deal Was Political Construct Intended to Protect Biden Family from Future Accountability for Prior Criminal Conduct


August 13, 2023 | Sundance | 243 Comments

Wickedness has a way of manifesting in the human body. As the physical lifeforce within Daniel Goldman begins diminishing, the pale and sullen former Robert Mueller operative appears on CNN to discuss the Hunter Biden case and the appointment of the special counsel.


Skilled in the dark arts of lawfare, Representative Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite; however, he does reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden. According to Goldman, the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable. WATCH:


…”Now, in the ordinary course, you would not give immunity for other conduct than what is charged. But this is not the ordinary course, because you have a petty, vindictive bully running as the — for president on the Republican Party who will use revenge and weaponize the Department of Justice to potentially charge Hunter Biden.


So, even though I’m sure Hunter Biden has confidence that David Weiss will not charge him with additional crimes, they have no confidence that, if Donald Trump wins, that he would weaponize the Department of Justice to charge Hunter Biden, go back and charge him.”…



(Goldman is insane! His justification totally ignores the DOJ bullying and putting J6s in jail, Mike Flynn, etc being bullied and arrested by FBI and DOJ, the current DOJ & FBI going after Catholics, Parents, children unless they are a Trans Perversion and the multiple and continuous crimes against PDJT, Eastman, MAGA or anyone who tell the truth.)

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 3:48 a.m. No.19355632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Goldman is so desperate he lies and lies and lies about everything he knows to be true. Standard OP on the left, mini me Schitt, although not as convincing. Seems like Tapper was told to ask more questions on the Bidans in this interview. When the press start asking tough questions, Obama gave the orders! “Take the Bidans down, they are causing problems for us!”

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:04 a.m. No.19355659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5661

'Unthinkable:' J6 Committee Accused of DESTROYING Key Intelligence Documents About Capitol Riot






It looks like the background intelligence documents about the Capitol Hill riot have gone the way of certain Secret Service call records, the Capitol Hill pipe bomber’s identity, the ID of the White House cocaine addict, and Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit emails. Key evidence is missing. It’s gone. Vanished. If you’re in any way confused, let’s be clear: this is how a corrupt, banana republic, tinpot dictatorship acts.


Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) and former President Donald Trump alleged that at least two terabytes of information were not preserved by the Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney show trial producers. “The more we go in,” Loudermilk told Fox News Digital, “the more we’re realizing that there’s things that we don’t have [sic].We don’t have anything about security failures at the Capitol, we don’t have the videos of the depositions.”


Loudermilk, who chairs the House Oversight subcommittee, says the documents they did get, 2.5 Terabytes out of 4, were a mess. “Nothing was indexed,” he said. “There was no table of contents index,” as there usually is in these types of documents. They simply got raw data, “so it took us a long time going through it and one thing I started realizing is we don’t have anything much at all from the Blue Team.” The Blue Team is the investigating arm of the J6 Committee that looked into the threats prior to the riot. And now documents supporting that work have been disappeared.


Loudermilk told Fox Digital that “sources have told him the Blue Team was essentially ‘shut down’ by the committee to focus on placing the blame on former President Trump.”


He said information on the threats before the riot is practically nil.“We don’t have anything about security failures at the Capitol,” he said. “We don’t have the videos of the depositions.”He said, “We’re not seeing anything from the Blue Team as far as reports on the investigation they did looking into the actual breach itself.” Well, isn’t that convenient?


Why would they hide or destroy that information? Wouldn’t you want to know why undercover cops dressed as Trump supporters and Antifa were operating on Capitol grounds that day? Wouldn’t you want to know why the Speaker of the House and the D.C. mayor both forbid National Guard presence offered by the Trump administration? If threats were not out of the ordinary, why were D.C. police dressed in Trump gear, urging and joining protesters in climbing the scaffolding outside the Capitol Building? Was this staged to stop the effort by several conservative senators to call for an audit of certain states with hinky, recently switched election laws?


Here’s another question: Why would the Committee destroy records, hand them off to the White House, and make it as difficult as possible for Congress to do check their work?


Loudermilk says a letter from the Committee to the White House shows that it turned over Committee evidence to the counsel’s office — evidence he claims didn’t make it into the data dump he got.


Chair Bennie Thompson told Loudermilk his select committee wasn’t required to preserve this information, thus confirming that it did not. It’s a contention with which Loudermilk strenuously disagrees. “He’s saying they decided they didn’t have to,” he told Fox. “It was clear in law they had to especially, and, I mean, if there was any question, the fact that they used the videos in the hearings would dictate that it had to be preserved.”


Weird, isn’t it, that the “mistakes” go only one way — against former President Trump?…

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:05 a.m. No.19355661   🗄️.is 🔗kun




We’ve long known that the Trump White House offered the National Guard to both Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. Both rebuffed the offer due to bad “optics.” Threat assessments about the breach were not shared with Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund, though he had several calls with agencies in the lead-up to January 6. Why wasn’t he told? In a stunning revelation, Sund told former Fox host Tucker Carlson that the J6 Committee never asked the former Capitol Police Chief to testify.


Trump wrote on his Truth Social account:


What Trump was getting at in his usual histrionic style was that if the documents aren’t available for some reason, such as being destroyed, he can’t use them in his defense in the January 6 prosecution.


“This is unthinkable,” Trump soberly remarked. He’s right: it is unthinkable. Unfathomable, really.


It appears the J6 Committee, the DOJ, and now the White House (which has some of the documents, according to Loudermilk) teed up a dog ate-my-homework scenario. They intentionally left Trump with less exculpatory evidence in his defense and big holes in the official record of the extent to which the feds orchestrated the breach, riot, and prosecutions. This is obstruction of justice.


“[T]he Fake Political Indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn,” Trump insisted, though there’s a near-zero chance of that happening with this Department of Just-Us and its weaponized FBI.


In another Truth Social post, Trump wrote that “[The Committee members] knew EXACTLY what they were doing. AN EGREGIOUS CRIMINAL ACT & BLATANT DISREGARD OF THE LAW! Can you imagine if I would have done such a thing???”


Because so many of these types of incidents have taken place — see the first paragraph of this story for only a few examples — the Democrats no longer get the benefit of the doubt. They have earned suspicion, antipathy, and hisses from the American people.


Assuming Loudermilk isn’t mistaken after chasing down this information for months, this is a consequential, event-changing subversion of justice that serves as a capstone of this party’s corruption dating back at least to Hillary’s peeing hookers dossier.


“The January 6th Unselect Committee got rid of EVERYTHING! Discarded, Deleted, Thrown Out. A Flagrant Violation of the law,” Trump spat. “They had so much to hide, and now that I have Subpoena Power, they didn’t want to get caught,” he said. No one doubts that. If you do at this point, get yourself checked out for TDS.


For those who didn’t bother to watch it, which is most of us, the January 6 Committee’s mission wasn’t to find the truth of what happened that day but to arrive at its foreordained blame of Donald Trump for all of it. The only thing missing from the slickly produced show trial was Bugs Bunny and Donald Duck singing, “Overture, curtain, lights, this is it, we’ll hit the heights. And, oh, what heights we’ll hit, on with the show this is it!”


The show’s over, Democrats. We’re onto you


(It’s time for whistleblowers that were the research arm of the Committee to turn over what they saved.)

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:11 a.m. No.19355674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Morning Briefing: A National Conversation About Locking Up the J6 Committee Creeps



We are kicking off the week by revisiting a frequent target of frustration and derision of ours here at the Briefing: The House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues, also known as the J6 Committee. Yeah, they’re annoying commie traitors, but it keeps us from having to deal with Hunter Biden for at least one more day.


In these dark cloud times, we have to enjoy the silver linings when we can find them, no matter how difficult they are to see.


As the United States of America has descended into card-carrying Banana Republic status, there are any number of things that we can point to as a huge step in the wrong direction. The J6 Committee was one giant leap for Banana Republickind.


It was very satisfying to see Liz Cheney get the boot from politics for her turncoat role with the Dems’ J6 witch hunt, but she and everyone else on the committee should have been punished for wasting considerable taxpayer resources for a kangaroo court show trial. It was a national embarrassment that — in the minds of Democrats — lent some legitimacy to the railroading of former President Trump that is being done to attempt to keep him off of the ballot next year. It doesn’t, of course, but they’re not firing on all cylinders over there.


We’re now finding out that Cheney and her J6 cronies are even more full of it than any of us thought. This is from something that Victoria wrote over the weekend:


It looks like the background intelligence documents about the Capitol Hill riot have gone the way of certain Secret Service call records, the Capitol Hill pipe bomber’s identity, the ID of the White House cocaine addict, and Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit emails. Key evidence is missing. It’s gone. Vanished. If you’re in any way confused, let’s be clear: this is how a corrupt, banana republic, tinpot dictatorship acts.…


Literally, “Nothing to see here, move along.”


As Victoria covers in great detail, what’s missing is anything that might pertain to nagging questions that we right-wing nutjobs have about what transpired in the lead-up to the J6 protest. The Left will say they’re all conspiracy theories, but we tinfoil hatters have been close to batting a thousand for the last few years. They know that, and that’s why they have to play dirty.


It’s outrageous and disheartening that these awful people have played such a significant role in all of the pre-election tampering that we’re seeing right now. Truth has been plagued by false leftist narratives here for far too long. The J6 Committee was created solely to keep a false narrative alive so that it could be weaponized to keep Trump off of the ballot.


Here are some thoughts of Victoria’s that should be shared with those independent voters that aren’t sure which way they want to fall off of the fence next year:


Because so many of these types of incidents have taken place — see the first paragraph of this story for only a few examples — the Democrats no longer get the benefit of the doubt. They have earned suspicion, antipathy, and hisses from the American people.


That’s a good reminder that Granny Maojackets’s stench is legacy stench whenever it comes to the Democrats and their incessant lying about Trump and elections. All corrupt roads lead back to her.


There will no doubt be more revelations about the J6 Committee’s malfeasance. The execrable Liz Cheney often justified her Never Trump J6 jihad by saying that she wanted to restore integrity to the Republican Party. In her twisted mind, that was best achieved by lying for the Democrats and not playing by congressional rules when carrying out her committee duties.


We should all be grateful that she’s no longer around to carry on the Bush-Cheney legacy of squish mediocrity in the GOP. Hey, there’s one positive to come out of the J6 committee.


Silver linings, my friends, they’re out there.

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:24 a.m. No.19355696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752 >>5774

Why Didn't Maui's Emergency Sirens Warn of Deadly Wildfires?




A spokesman for Hawaii’s emergency management agency says thatnone of the 80 warning sirens placed around the island were activated at any time during the wildfirethat has caused massive damage and taken at least 93 lives. The historic city of Lahaina has been all but destroyed, as has much of the western part of the island.


Hawaii Gov. Josh Green says it isn’t known whether infrastructure damage prevented the sirens from going off. But the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency’s spokesman, Adam Weintraub, confirmed on Saturday that the sirens alone would not have been a sign to evacuate, but for residents to seek more information.


He said other alert systems were activated, including emergency alerts that were sent to cellphones and to radio and TV stations, but there werepower outages in Lahaina on Tuesday, and many residents said they never got any warnings.


Mr. Weintraub said the agency would be cooperating with Hawaii Attorney General Anne Lopez in the investigation of the response of state and local officials.


“The emergency sirens are tested once a month, but they weren’t sounded for some unknown reason to announce these fires,” Robin Ritchie, a long-time Lahaina resident said. “That makes me feel very angry because the lack of warning has definitely caused death.” Ritchie says that two of her friends were saved from the approaching fire only when the smoke alarms in their homes went off.


Wall Street Journal:


Roughly 2,170 acres burned in the catastrophic blaze that broke out Tuesday and ravaged Lahaina, according to initial assessments from the Pacific Disaster Center and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


More than 150 FEMA personnel have been deployed to Maui, the agency said Saturday, with assistance from over a dozen other federal agencies and departments. The National Guard has activated 134 troops to help with firefighting.


There was a report from a company that monitors power grid activity that a “large fault” was detected on a power line 20 minutes before the wildfire started. It may very well have been a coincidence since residents were reporting power outages all throughout Tuesday.


The Lahaina wildfire was one of four that sprang up Tuesday in the region, officials said. It started as an early brush fire that firefighters thought they had under control by 9 a.m.


By afternoon, the Lahaina fire had flared again. It became a major blaze that destroyed or damaged thousands of structures, many of which were residential, officials said. Some residents were forced to plunge into the Pacific Ocean in a frantic bid to stay alive. The U.S. Coast Guard said it rescued 17 people from the water.


Lori Moore-Merrell, head of the U.S. Fire Administration, said the Lahaina fire burned fast and low.


“Heat and wind speed. Those two things are coupled, so you are going to see those things are driving the pace of the fire.”


The wildfires were not entirely unexpected. In fact, the state’s electric utility, Hawaii Electric, had for years worried about wildfire risk in the area, going so far as to launch drones. Considering that Maui had a top-of-the-line warning system, the state was ill-prepared for the disaster.

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:36 a.m. No.19355717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5769

Techno-Hell: Utah and Oregon Now Require GPS Trackers on EVs in Lieu of Registration Fee, Tax Drivers by the Mile

Ben Bartee on August 13, 2023


State governments have historically generated revenue to maintain roads, traffic lights, and the like by adding a tax at the pump. Owing to the federal government-prodded transition to electric vehicles (EVs) to combat something called “climate change,” states stand to lose out on this source of revenue as EVs obviously don’t require gasoline to operate.


Utah’s novel solution is to charge a “per-mile fee” for EVs with a government GPS tracker attached to monitor movement.


Via the Utah Department of Transportation:


Utah roads are maintained using taxes from gasoline sales. As vehicles become more fuel efficient and the number of electric vehicles grows, the Utah Department of Transportation and Division of Motor Vehicles is changing to a per-mile fee as a way for drivers to pay their portion of roadway operations and maintenance…


You will pay 1.00 cents per mile, deducted from the prepaid wallet, up to the amount of the flat fee. Enrolling in Utah’s Road Usage Charge program gives you access to DriveSync® for Utah DOT an app that makes your driving safer and more productive through trip tracking and driving reports.


For a little added Orwellianism, the DriveSync® app also assigns a “driving score” based on how fast the slave citizen accelerates, brakes, corners turns, and drives. The app records bad driving behavior and shows it to the slave citizen on a digital map.


Oregon is instituting a similar policy, via KGW8 NBC:


ODOT created a website and program called OReGO where drivers can sign up to volunteer for a program where they pay a fee for every mile they drive on public roads. Currently it’s just under 2 cents per mile.


The program isn’t gaining much traction. About 700 people have signed up so far, either reporting their mileage to the state or by using GPS devices to track their travel.


The people driving hybrids are still paying for gas at the pump, so each quarter their account is balanced to credit the mileage fee against the gas tax, ensuring that they don’t end up paying both.


Michigan’s up next, via ABC News 12:


With electric vehicles on the rise, the Michigan Department of Transportation is exploring new options to replace the gas tax.


One potential avenue is a road usage charge system, which would require residents to place a GPS tracker in their vehicle to keep track of their mileage.


Similar systems are already in place in Utah and Oregon. Utah charges drivers 1 cent per mile, while Oregon charges drivers 1.9 cents per mile.


The technocrats love nothing more than killing two (or three) birds with one stone. In this case, said birds are: getting rid of gas-powered cars, inventing for themselves a brand-new revenue generation scheme, and instituting even more tracking power to make sure the peasants behave themselves.

Anonymous ID: 98bd53 Aug. 14, 2023, 4:49 a.m. No.19355731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5806 >>5860

Hunter Biden's Attorney Refuses to Answer Whether Joe Biden Was Involved in Hunter's Business Dealings

Anthony Gonzalez August 13, 2023


During an interview on CNN, an attorney for Hunter Biden refused to answer whether the first son’s business dealings were linked to President Joe Biden.


Abbe Lowell, who has defended Hunter for five years in the Department of Justice’s investigation of the first son,said people should not be focused on whether the president benefitted from his son’s business dealings.


“Can you say with certainty that based on what you know, there’s no possibility that any of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings will, in any way, connect back to his father, the president?” CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins asked.


“You’ve had dozens of members of Congress and their staff, you’ve had a dozen members of right-wing media picking and trying to find the connection between Hunter and his business and other family members. And they have come up with nothing because there’s nothing to come up with,” Lowell claimed, clearly ducking the premise of Collins’s question.


Collins pressed Lowell once more, asking him whether he could unequivocally say that the president did not benefit from his son’s business. “But can you answer the question,” she queried, “from what you know, if you’re confident that this won’t, in any way, link back to the President?


“They came up with the decision that the only two charges to file were two misdemeanors and a gun diverted charge. Not any of the other things that the MAGA right wing have been yelling, from money laundering, to foreign corruption, to foreign agent, none of that. It’s not as if that wasn’t looked into. And now, the conclusion was reached,” Lowell answered.


“Do I know that that will change in the future? It shouldn’t change. This is not a new Special Counsel. This is an investigation that’s gone on, for five years, leading to only those particular charges. So, how should it be different, tomorrow? It shouldn’t be,” Lowell added.


Attorney General Merrick Garland recently appointed U.S. Attorney from Delaware David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation. It was Weiss who began the investigation of Hunter five years ago, which is sill ongoing. I wonder how much longer it’s going to drag out.


“David Weiss was in charge of the investigation last year, the year before that, and the year before that. He is in charge of the investigation, today and tomorrow. He has a new title. His powers, in our view, are the same. The evidence hasn’t changed. The law hasn’t changed,” Lowell asserted.


(KEK, MAGA is at fault for everything Joe and Hunter done illegally! I’m pretty sure it was Judge that pointed out how illegal this plea deal is.)