hips don't lie. Guess all those archeologist bigots will know better now.
just another masonic shit fuck, from a brotherhood of shit fucks, part of another brotherhood of shit fucks.
because the government needs to control and keep track of people and when people die on their farmstead let's say in theory you would never have to notify anyone. Government likes to keep track of you from birth to death tax you the entire time than tax your loved ones after you are dead also, or did Trump change that shit.
working for us is interesting, they are certainly playing a part. I just have never figured out if they are playing along or we just know how they would act due to looking glass technology. It is one of the two. Part of me hopes it is looking glass because anons got to see that work in live time. Because the way some of these things line up has always been strange to anons. The reason why this matters is that if they are working with us as you said there is no need for the slow role. The confidence is another issue, they still think they have a chance.
he is pushing that bitch, and its funny.
that is why i lean to looking glass because there is too much bullshit things like grannies in prison by this cunt as well as all the people involved in this crazy shit and just the amount of hubris they have makes me think they think they are still in charge. So their actions were predicted and they are playing a role upon what was already seen, not that they are actively acting.
the law is what allowed them to do this in the first place. The law is not the answer either. goes back to the old idea who watches the watchmen. Who judges the judges who has any over sight of anything. Most systems of change fall into corruption soon after they are created, be it nation or religion.
maybe black people just don't like coffee or they don't want to deal with uppity karens with their soy milk vanilla half calf mochachinos orders and trying because they only got 5 pumps of cancer sugar vs 6
its not slander, technically it would be libel, BUT he said he was speculating. That is his opinion. Don't be a faggot.
hey how about this you fuck off clutch your pearls elsewhere cunt.
that is kinda bullshit, black wall street was a thing blacks pre civil rights had better lives from my understanding. They built tons of things but they were almost exclusively only for blacks much like the black colleges now. This is only pertaining to american blacks and not all of them most of them just sadly are so brainwashed by shit like roots which was the same propaganda used for things like schindlers list. Its sad. But segregation is also kinda natural we like being around things that are familiar and that includes how you look. That is not racist its just common sense. shared values shared beliefs.
you think this is about your brainwashing. My god you are a stupid chink
interesting, they were supposed to be that watch on these policies and when instead of warning people they started participating because it made them more money. It will be really interesting to see the democrats push to have the trial televised. They want to watch it to jerk off over, anons want to watch it to see the system crumble as promised. During the process much cognitive dissonance and pain will be felt by them. Their narratives will crumble and the media empires will fall upon their own petard.
i'd vote for that. Although I think the system needs serious review based upon what has resulted over the centuries since the founding. Even that I do not know if it is the best system anymore in totality because of the shear size of what america has become in 250 years. The question really I have is does society go back to ideas from the past or do we try to use some of those to strive to the future.
your meme sucks. Just like your whore mother.
how would a court function than in your mind. I am not sure I trust the jury system either. If you have a complex case what if the jury is not mentally able to comprehend the complexity. That being said the legal system as it has been combined with the concept of maritime law the entire thing is a joke and having to havea lawyer speak for you, because they know all the special legal words. There has to be some reason for a judge perhaps to research case law maybe.
they smear no matter what is said fuck it and fuck you coward. You and your fucking peal clutching. Mockery is allowed but only if its politically correct and fits your happy slappy world of cuckholding you stupid queer.
no I just hate you specifically.
sorry fag you dont get to determine that it may be your opinion which is fine. But my opinion is all speech should be allowed and if people are triggered by perceptions of what they think is real they should seek medical treatment for psychosis
I think you are correct in that the bar is one of the things that hampers the idea of justice. I just do not know if I can put the faith of one into a handful of people. Maybe if the jurors were vetted still somehow. I think your other thoughts about the system and the DAs though again are spot on.
fuck off, you and your team should choke on each others cocks and die
yup I jerk off to your whore mother every day. Cry more about it.
would you just go back to english common law and perhaps expand on that, because how can anyone trust the old laws when they were written by corrupt men as well who were part of this evil system. Its a cluster fuck
i reviewed and found your content lacking only deserving a base insult such as I came on your mommies fat ass titties. Plus its funny to me.
well my instinctual because I am a retard level is because common law is what should be taught and it is not and its in the constitution so that everyone would know that it would be this system and they could defend themselves under it as it was common. Close?
so does the IP hopping from your team.