ID: 12ae93 June 27, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.1936281   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Joel Davis


Davis' journey began at Port Charlotte High – where he helped the Model UN team rake in several trophies. His former coach, Robert Johnson, couldn't be more proud.


"Joel has done something that the average person, even from the Model UN has done. So it's very, very rewarding," Johnson said.


Davis says his work with the Model UN in high school showed him world problems he wants to solve, and he hopes he can help inspire Port Charlotte's current students.


"That's a really important program and I would say I hope young people have the opportunity to find something they're passionate about," Davis said.


More than 200 individuals and organizations were nominated this year. It will be awarded in Norway in October.




pedos hiding in here?