Anonymous ID: 1dadaa June 27, 2018, 10:11 p.m. No.1936473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DailyBeast pushing a FF narrative. Note, also, the publishing time:


>Michael Hari, Joe Morris, and Michael McWhorter of Clarence, Illinois were arrested in March on charges related to the bombing a Minnesota mosque in August 2017. The trio is also accused of a failed bombing at a Champaign, Illinois women’s health clinic three months later. A pair of cases, including an indictment returned against the group in Minnesota last week, describe the trio as a wannabe terror cell that carried out bombings and robberies under the banner of their right-wing militia, the White Rabbits.


>The group also went by the “White Rabbits.” The name is a possible reference to QAnon, a right-wing internet conspiracy theory that claims President Donald Trump is not actually under investigation, but that he is actually playing the stooge to help convict the Clintons and other high-level Democrats of crimes relating to Satanic pedophilia. The trio appears to have adopted the White Rabbit name after October 2017, when the QAnon theory kicked off and its adherents took up the rallying cry “follow the white rabbit,” a reference in The Matrix.


>But the militia wanted to bring white rabbit worship offline and into the real world. On their YouTube channel, launched in late December, the group pushed “White Rabbit Money”. The currency consisted of phony bills the militia claimed could be used at “downstate Illinois” businesses and cashed out “in gold upon maturity at the White Rabbit Bank.” (No such bank exists.)