Anonymous ID: 36f75c June 27, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.1936127   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They want to get JA because he was getting ready to come forth with the "technical data" that proved Russia did not hack the DNC. This info that JA had would show exactly WHO it was. These @sswipes don't want this info out, of course.


It was almost completely set up for JA to have "safe passage" to come forward with the data. Comey & Sen Mark Warner D-VA f'd that all up, on purpose. Said NO.

Here is an article by John Solomon-The Hill - scribd email exchanges included.


http: //


PS - I also saw somewhere yesterday that the UK is "very concerned" about JA's health. Sure they would like to get their filthy hands on him & cause a "heart attack". I'll see if I can find the article.