Anonymous ID: 9879ac June 27, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.1936339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1934232 (pb) rt >>1933629 (qpost)


>Why did you choose to link that website? Some very interesting articles on there...


No idea if this is true or not as I've never verified it:

Long ago, when I was pretty young, someone told me the gov at that time was required to publicly disclose even the most sensitive information (think advanced technologies, secret experiments & advanced research, political assassinations, etc).

The way to get around drawing unwanted attention to disclosures that would definitely cause problems was to post the information in media outlets known for being sensationalist garbage; like the junk mags you see next to the candy bars in some grocery store check out lanes. So, for instance, disclosure about a too-advanced-to-be-believed technology would be very briefly described and inconspicuously placed somewhere amongst pages with garbage "news" articles like "Aliens Taught My Pet Gopher to Sing Beethoven!" and "Brad Pitt & Oprah Have Secret Love-Child; Angelina Furious!". The information gets disclosed, but no one pays attention or believes it cause of all the garbage around it. Camouflage.