they're not our "evil twin'. Or 'twin' in any sense, hombre.
>In a tweet viewed 22,000 times: "Oprah owns 2,000 acres in Maui. Her land wasn't destroyed. Her donation for recovery efforts should be the 2,000 acres she owns!"
Holy fuck. No, it shouldn't be her own property. What is wrong with people?
your shorthand is lacking. as is your understanding of what happened in the 90's, at least from the US perspective.
it's $700 - who cares if she does or doesn't?
looks good!
>they will be confiscated and turned over to the people in time but optics would be much nicer if the cunt shared
fuck off, Castro.
fuck everyone who looks at someone else's wealth, no matter how great or meager, and scheme to steal it.
lol, wut?
damn. that's pretty fucked up. (doing a fundraiser.)
maybe? Atm, I don't perceive it as a bad card - is there a reason you do?