does she get 700 dolla from Richard-Potato (the resident in beach)??
did it seem that way bwecause you were a soviet infiltrator here and you knew how much the marxists controlled as your families looted out great nation and demanded to be treated as special minorities, buying favors from politicians, and taking all the best jobs and giving them to your children who you called 'dreamers'?
years ago I got a similar thing. I looked up about it and found out that I was under no obligation to fill it out.
But someone suggested that I not 'destroy' it as that might be seen as 'destroying government property' (wierd, huh?)
in case someone 'showed up'
I figured they were snooping around and looking to profile me.
so I left it on my refridgerator and it's maybe still there. I can't remember if anyone came by about it, but if so I turned them away.
no response is a kind of response, so . . .
will they start with you?
and then when you're in jail they'll say
we'll, we can't get anymore anon, we got that one who
prophsized that anon would be rounded up, but he didn't say how many so one, him, is good enough.
and then you'll rot in jail?