>2 * 33 does equal 66
>he was chosen by my family, to wake you up
I think you need to cut down on the pots anon.
>I always say the truth.
When you say retarded shit, like claiming that your family picked Trump to wake us up.
Even if true, it's still retarded to claim such in a place where your claim cannot, by the nature of the place, be verified…
Now go LARP on /x/ or something.
>everything you think you know is a lie
We've been over this…
Does that mean that if I think I know that everything I think I know is a lie, that too is a lie?
>feel free to ignore and filter me.
What's the fun in that?
>like I've said, you are in this position, b/c of tards like you.
Tards like me? You mean tards that refuse to blindly believe your retarded claims just by your word?
That kind of tard?
>and you deserve it, b/c your affirmations, just like this. I am sure all your posts are remarkable…
Ellipsis is only 3 dots. 8 is overkill and cringey. Kek. Can someone call grammar kitty?
Also I don't go around claiming that my posts are remarkable… What's your point?
>b/c you know nothing, and implicit idiot…
Don't you know how to spell "because"?
Does a set of all sets contain itself?