I have this parking ticket.
>I am not Q, yet I am, and so are
"Wouldn't you like to be one too!"
Take your racist self back to Reddit.
Only a Marxist Commie Democrat could hate black people as much as you.
So much hate does not go well with the movement. (((They))) are the party of hate, you might want to switch sides because you are not doing us any favors with your racist mouth over here.
Clearly, you are here to provide MSM with ammo to use against us.
Sua Sponte
My gut tells me. The battle is/was won before it started.
Wow, this looks very promising!
I'd bet she is already dead and what we are seeing now is an actor, part of the "movie". The battle was already won, this is just the part where the sheep have to witness what "could have" happened.