Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19365164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5194 >>5453 >>5642 >>5688 >>5723

Soros To End 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift'


George Sorors' Open Society Foundations, which are now controlled by his son Alexander, will cease most of its operations in the European Union.


The move, which comes after foundation-funded NGOs ferried migrants to Europe for over a decade (mission accomplished?), comes after the $25 billion family foundation announced a headcount reduction of at least 40% following Alexander's ascent.


Citing a "radical shift of strategic direction," OSF says that their new operating model will require "significant further restructuring," and "closing all regional and global programs," according to a letter sent to grantees in Hungary which was seen by Bloomberg.


"Ultimately, the new approved strategic direction provides for withdrawal and termination of large parts of our current work within the European Union, shifting our focus and allocation of resources to other parts of the world," reads the message, which cites another note sent to staff at OSF's Berlin headquarters.


"OSF will largely terminate funding within the European Union, and further funding will be extremely limited," it reads, without elaborating, except to say that the organization is pivoting because "EU institutions and governments were already allocating significant resources to human rights, freedom and pluralism" inside the bloc.


And of course, Bloomberg sings OSF's praises:


In the EU, OSF financed a wide range of philanthropic programs in the bloc’s eastern former communist members, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and elsewhere. They included initiatives aimed at strengthening democracy, promoting human rights and alleviating the poverty and discrimination faced by the Roma minority.


It also funds projects in non-EU European countries such as in the Balkans and further afield in central Asia.


The organization based its European headquarters in Budapest until 2018, when it moved to Berlin following a years-long campaign against Soros and the OSF’s liberal values by nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government in Hungary. It also has offices in Barcelona, Brussels and Belgium. -Bloomberg


Over the past three decades, OSF has spent over $19 billion on various projects, including $209 million in 2021 towards projects in Europe and the central Asia region.

Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 2:01 p.m. No.19365175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5453 >>5642 >>5688 >>5723

DOJ Says Hunter Biden's Lawyers Lying About 'Valid And Binding' Plea Deal


Update (1425ET): The Justice Department refuted Hunter Biden's legal team on Tuesday, denying that the First Son's plea deal and pretrial diversion agreement are in effect.


Contained within a footnote of a Monday filing, Hunter's legal team claimed that his plea deal and diversion agreement were "largely dictated" by DOJ prosecutors, and that it's still "valid and binding," and that the government said in court that the agreement was "in effect," and stands apart from Hunter's now-dead plea deal.


The DOJ denies this, writing in a Tuesday filing reported by the Daily Caller: "The Government never said the proposed diversion agreement was in effect because it is not," according to special counsel David Weiss. "And in none of the portions of the transcript that the Defendant cites in this footnote did the Government say the diversion agreement was in effect. In fact, the Government said the opposite."


The proposed “sweetheart deal” would have had Hunter Biden plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors and enter a diversion agreement allowing him to avoid jail time for a felony gun charge. Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the deal during the July 26 hearing after uncovering a provision in the diversion agreement that would grant broad immunity for future charges.


Weiss argued that Hunter Biden’s teams’ understanding of the agreement during the hearing to include broad immunity was “a problem entirely of their own making.” -Daily Caller


"Mr. Clark and his client were both telling the Court that the Defendant was pleading guilty because of promises that were not contained in the plea agreement," reads the response. "This was a problem entirely of their own making and not one that resulted from the drafting of the proposed plea or diversion agreements."


Hunter's lawyers, meanwhile, claim that DOJ prosecutors "dictated the form and content of the Plea and Diversion Agreements," including the broad immunity provision contained in "paragraph 15."

Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 2:11 p.m. No.19365234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5244 >>5247 >>5256 >>5278 >>5302 >>5372 >>5453 >>5503 >>5642 >>5688 >>5695 >>5699 >>5723

YouTube is 'ramping up' effort to remove 'medical misinformation'


YouTube announced Tuesday a new policy framework to crack down on "medical misinformation" posted by users on its platform.


On Tuesday, the video-sharing platform shared its "long term vision" for "medical misinformation policies," including content regarding cancer treatments.


YouTube stated it is committed to hosting "high-quality health content" that aligns with "local and global health authority guidance on topics that pose serious real-world risks, such as misinformation on COVID-19, vaccines, reproductive health, harmful substances, and more."


"These policies will apply to specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)," YouTube added.


The platform claimed it aims to clarify its guidelines for users and clamp down on "egregiously harmful content while ensuring space for debate and discussion."


"To determine if a condition, treatment or substance is in scope of our medical misinformation policies, we'll evaluate whether it's associated with a high public health risk, publicly available guidance from health authorities around the world, and whether it's generally prone to misinformation," the company stated.


YouTube plans to separate its "misinformation guidelines" into three categories — prevention, treatment, and denial.


For example, it explained that content that "contradicts" the "safety and efficacy of approved vaccines" will be subject to removal. Content sharing "unproven remedies" for various conditions will also be banned. Additionally, videos that deny the existence of certain conditions would go against the platform's policies and be removed.


YouTube intends to focus on "removing cancer treatment misinformation."


"Starting today and ramping up in the coming weeks, we will begin removing content that promotes cancer treatments proven to be harmful or ineffective, or content that discourages viewers from seeking professional medical treatment. This includes content that promotes unproven treatments in place of approved care or as a guaranteed cure, and treatments that have been specifically deemed harmful by health authorities. For instance, a video that claims 'garlic cures cancer,' or 'take vitamin C instead of radiation therapy' would be removed," YouTube said.


It stated that it "may" carve out exceptions for content that includes "personal testimonies or content that discusses the results of a specific medical study."


"Debate and discussion are critical to the advancement of science and medicine," YouTube claimed. "One element we consider is public interest. This means that we may allow content that is sufficiently in the public interest to remain on YouTube, even if it otherwise violates our policies."

Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.19365247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5266 >>5453 >>5642 >>5688 >>5723



A long term vision for YouTube’s medical misinformation policies



In the years since we began our efforts to make YouTube a destination for high-quality health content, we’ve learned critical lessons about developing Community Guidelines in line with local and global health authority guidance on topics that pose serious real-world risks, such as misinformation on COVID-19, vaccines, reproductive health, harmful substances, and more. We’re taking what we’ve learned so far about the most effective ways to tackle medical misinformation to simplify our approach for creators, viewers, and partners.


As medical information – and misinformation – continuously evolves, YouTube needs a policy framework that holds up in the long term, and preserves the important balance of removing egregiously harmful content while ensuring space for debate and discussion. While specific medical guidance can change over time as we learn more, our goal is to ensure that when it comes to areas of well-studied scientific consensus, YouTube is not a platform for distributing information that could harm people.


Moving forward, YouTube will streamline dozens of our existing medical misinformation guidelines to fall under three categories – Prevention, Treatment, and Denial.


Moving forward, YouTube will streamline dozens of our existing medical misinformation guidelines to fall under three categories – Prevention, Treatment, and Denial. These policies will apply to specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO).


To determine if a condition, treatment or substance is in scope of our medical misinformation policies, we’ll evaluate whether it’s associated with a high public health risk, publicly available guidance from health authorities around the world, and whether it’s generally prone to misinformation.


Here’s what the framework will look like:


Prevention misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on the prevention and transmission of specific health conditions, and on the safety and efficacy of approved vaccines. For example, this encompasses content that promotes a harmful substance for disease prevention.

Treatment misinformation: We will remove content that contradicts health authority guidance on treatments for specific health conditions, including promoting specific harmful substances or practices. Examples include content that encourages unproven remedies in place of seeking medical attention for specific conditions, like promoting caesium chloride as a treatment for cancer.

Denial misinformation: We will remove content that disputes the existence of specific health conditions. This covers content that denies people have died from COVID-19.


Our goal is to make the rules of the road clearer and have a more transparent framework in place for evaluating whether certain diseases or conditions would be included in the future. Check out our Help Center for even more details and examples.

Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 2:25 p.m. No.19365296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5299 >>5338 >>5382 >>5406

What will be left in 15 months?

You said HRC would be put in jail before 2016 then you did nothing.


TRUMP: "As soon as I am reelected, I will appoint a real Special Counsel […] to look at all of these bribes, kickbacks and other crimes as well as the shameless attempt at a coverup. Justice will be done. The Biden Crime Family will be looked at."

Anonymous ID: 2882d1 Aug. 15, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19365331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5410 >>5427 >>5453 >>5642 >>5688 >>5723

Just when you thought these creatures couldn’t be any more brazen and evil.


They released a book about the Maui fires on August 10th, 2023 while they were still happening.


And yes, it’s real and yes, they're blaming "climate change." .com/Fire-Fury-Implications-Climate-Change-ebook/dp/B0CFCTLXJJ/ref=sr_1_1