Anonymous ID: cf406a Aug. 15, 2023, 5:19 p.m. No.19366272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6399 >>6470

Gateway Pundit Attorneys Release Statement in Response to Fani Willis’s Lies and Misrepresentations of Clear Voter Fraud and Ballot Stuffing in State Farm Center in November 2020


The Fulton County, GA indictment of President Trump is a political vendetta and show trial reminiscent of the Soviet Show Trials of the 1930s. Americans have long prided themselves that something like that spectacle and mockery of the judicial system could not happen here. Well, we can pride ourselves on this no longer.

Prosecutors at the state and federal levels are abusing their powers to serve the interests of their political party and the oligarchs who ultimately run this nation. These political prosecutions are an abomination and undermine justice and the rule of law. They erode the public’s faith in the supposed equal and fair application of the law. The weaponization of the “justice system” is a blight on our Republic and the American system of governance.

A substantial portion of the prosecution’s case focuses on attacking President Trump and his attorneys and allies for drawing attention to clearly suspicious conduct throughout election day, 2020, at the State Farm Center. This suspicious conduct was captured by surveillance footage. The footage speaks for itself and anyone can review it to see it:


The footage cries out for scrutiny.


The Gateway Pundit reviewed this video when it was presented to the Georgia Senate by President Trump’s attorneys on December 3, 2023.

Upon our review of the video, we believed then and firmly believe now that the video shows:


a suspicious stash of ballots being hidden under a table, and

a select group of poll workers returning to scan and count the hidden ballots for a further two hours after all independent observers were apparently driven to leave under false pretenses that all counting for the evening was concluded.


Pointing out these patently suspicious activities and drawing the obvious conclusion that fraud was occurring before one’s very eyes is not a crime. Demanding accountability and a free and fair election is not a crime. Petitioning the government for redress of grievances is not a crime.

What is a crime, however, is a corrupt, biased prosecutor (Fani Willis) abusing the powers of her office to initiate politically driven prosecutions. Willis and her office appear to be engaging in a conspiracy to deprive President Trump, his lawyers, and supporters, of their civil rights under the Constitution. Once President Trump prevails in this Soviet-esque show trial, we look forward to his suit against Willis for malicious prosecution. We also question why Georgia leaders have not impeached Willis for her abuse of power already.

Anonymous ID: cf406a Aug. 15, 2023, 5:21 p.m. No.19366286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6399 >>6470

Tyranny? CNN Brazil Host Suggests Mandatory Vaccination with the Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine


CNN Brazil host Elisa Veeck suggested that bivalent COVID-19 vaccines should be compulsory. Her comment caused outrage on social media.


Though the video with Elisa’s statement was published on July 19, it only became popular this week. The speaker critiques the low adoption rate of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine among the population of Brazil.


While addressing the low vaccine acceptance, Veeck questions a reporter:


“Only 14% of the intended audience has received the immunization shot. Daniella Mallmann, what needs to be done? Physically compel people to go to the health center by grabbing their arms?”


The remarks made by Elisa Veeck received extensive criticism on social media for proposing an approach that may compromise the personal freedoms of citizens who mistrust the safety of the vaccine and decline to receive an additional dose.


Journalist Paula Schmitt, who is known for her inquiries about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, responded to Elisa Veeck by saying:


“Greetings, Elisa Veeck. Do you recommend that people take the bivalent vaccine to prevent everything? Kindly respond:


Can you confirm the safety of this vaccine?


Does it actually confer immunity?


Have you received it? Can you provide evidence?


What is your opinion on a journalist who suggests an untested treatment without using it themselves?”


Another user inquired: “Does she have the authority to tell people to get vaccinated, given that she is not in the healthcare field?”


According to Dr. Francisco Cardoso, a specialist in infectious diseases: “This journalist lacks any sense of shame, decency or character.”


Currently, Elisa Veeck has not responded to the criticisms against her statement.


View Elisa Veeck’s statement on CNN by watching the video (English subtitles available in settings):

Anonymous ID: cf406a Aug. 15, 2023, 5:44 p.m. No.19366381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Western press fetishizes Ukrainian amputees as limb loss epidemic grows


With Ukrainian forces reportedly suffering a level of amputations reminiscent of WWI, a New York Times proxy war propagandist is spinning amputees as sex symbols and painting their gruesome injuries as “magical.”


After 18 months of devastating proxy warfare, the scale of the depletion of the Ukrainian military is so extensive that even mainstream sources have been forced to concede the cruel reality. On August 1, The Wall Street Journal reported that “between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians” have “lost one or more limbs since the start of the war.” What’s more, the outlet notes, “the actual figure could be higher” because “it takes time to register patients after they undergo the procedure.”


By comparison, around 67,000 Germans and 41,000 Britons underwent amputations during the entire four-year span of the First World War. The publication quotes the head of a group of former military surgeons who train Ukrainian military medics who maintained that “Western military surgeons haven’t seen injuries on this scale since World War II.”


While the implications of the Journal’s report have largely been studiously ignored by Western media, at least one mainstream journalist has displayed a keen interest in Kiev’s amputees. The New York Times’ columnist and ardent liberal interventionist Nicholas Kristof practically fetishized the mass disfigurement of Ukrainian combat veterans in the name of Washington’s war du jour.


In a July 8 op-ed titled “They’re Ready to Fight Again, on Artificial Legs,” Kristof insisted that rather than resenting being used as cannon fodder, Ukraine’s newly-disabled veterans “carry their stumps with pride.”


Citing one soldier who expressed hopes of returning to the frontline despite missing three limbs, Kristof framed such “grit and resilience” as a sure sign Kiev is winning the proxy conflict, and will inevitably emerge victorious over Russia.


The gut-wrenching homage to crippled and mangled Ukrainian soldiers even spun amputation as a means of getting laid, quoting the wife of one amputee as saying, “he’s very sexy without a leg.”


Another amputee cited in the op-ed claimed he had never dared ask his hometown crush out on a date before being hospitalized for “mortar injuries that took his leg and mangled his arms.” But after suffering irreparable and life-altering injuries, he and his sweetheart have been together ever since, the disabled soldier claimed.


Kristof quoted the soldier as follows: “It’s magical. Someone can have all his arms and legs and still not be successful in love, but an amputee can win a heart.”

Hyping Russian losses, covering up Ukraine’s


Throughout the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western officials and journalists have taken a decidedly asymmetrical approach to reporting combat losses. Since the conflict’s first days, legacy media has dutifully repeated the vast, unverifiable figures that NATO-affiliated analysts insist Moscow suffered on the battlefield. In April 2022, the BBC even went as far as to publish the names and photos of Russian soldiers allegedly killed during the war.

Anonymous ID: cf406a Aug. 15, 2023, 5:56 p.m. No.19366445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Erroneous' tsunami warning sent to South Texas residents


The National Weather Service Tsunami Alert Center said they are investigating why an alert went to residents through some weather apps.


Some residents in South Texas were surprised Tuesday afternoon when their weather apps said there was a tsunami warning issued for Portland.


To be clear: there is NO tsunami warning for the Gulf Coast, according to The National Weather Service Tsunami Alert Center.


"We are aware of an erroneous tsunami alert on some apps," the center said in a statement on X. "Please disregard; we have not issued a tsunami alert."



The alert, sent at 11:29 a.m. on August 15, states that NOAA has issued a tsunami warning for Portland, Texas.


The National Weather Service is reviewing the incident, the post said.


This isn't the first time south Texans have received a false tsunami warning. In 2019, one company sent a text message as the Kingsville Police Department to warn residents around the area about a tsunami. A follow-up text message was sent soon after to let residents know the first message was a test.