Purge the voting rolls or its just fraud. See VA, AL, PA.
If you havent killed the Nasimfaggots yet, you should. Shes a fucking hideous psycho and her adherents act like grade schoolers who' ve never gotten laid. . Thanks.
NavySealThreatFag is confirmed on his way. Youre as dead as this hideous plastic bitch. It's over, kiddo.
Haagen Daz sales tripled in NY and CA today.
Def one of the bigger 24 hours.
The answer to Q's question re Gowdy is a definitive No.
There's a reason he's not on the list and he aint gonna be on the list: because he's a loudmouthed do-nothing who has already been pushed out of Congress. He'll go back to SC and hide, that's his deal.
They controlled the area for about 20 years before we kicked their incompetent corrupt asses down the raod, then WE OCCUPIED MEXICO CITY, only to leave because we had out own issues to govern. We didnt have the manpower to govern Mex. This story is in Grant's Memoirs, he was there.
Nazism's not pretty.
Monica is pretty.
See the difference? Also, it's time to graduate from the 8th grade, nazismtards.
Anons should do that, money for nothing, libtard chicks for free.
It's not fake you fucking moron.
Yeah, he did that. Hardly SCOTUS stuff. Pretty basic stuff really, like basic Judge stuff.
Disagree. Trump won 2-1, the rest was vote fraud. Vote fraud is the REAL election issue, not candidates.
Libtardism is progressive and makes em uglier.
Juris Doctor and 30 years in the legal profession, about the same number of years youve accomplished nothing.
It's a qualifcation not a requirement you moron. You clearly know nothing about the vetting of SCOTUS candidates.
KYS idiot. Youre not worth even this much of my time. Just shut up.
Your accomplishments are exactly zero, which is why you think Gowdy is qualified for SCOTUS.
Let's make a deal: You dont have to kill yourself if Trump nominates Gowdy instead of an actually qualified candidate. BO should institute an iq test if this level of thought persists.
Boy, this is really low level stupidity.
Guess what? POTUS graduated from college, you didnt. He wont pick anybody based on what you think. Because youre an idiot.
That's about his speed.
Trump isnt an illegal President, moron.
You obviously said Fuck college too, which is why you are so dim.
These people dont even know what qualifications means, probably because they have none for anything .
He's not on POTUS list you fucking moron, it was only to point out Gowdy as horribly unqualified. He's out of town soon.
Let's make a deal. Kill yourself if POTUS doesnt nominate Gowdy to SCOTUS. Buy a scarf soon.
You wouldnt know logic if I beat you into a senseless pulp with it, which is easy to do with a community college drop out such as yourself.
I studied the Constitution for a year in University and two more in Law School. It's called higher education. Not for people like you.
He's not on Trump's list and won't be. Bet on it period
Just compare Gowdy's resume to Gorsuch's. God, is this place devolved to high school? Fucking ignorant.
Exactly. It's to show how weak Gowdy is. He's been pushed out with Ryan et al. because he's a do-nothing empty suit who spends more time at the Barber Shop than the law library.
Im more like a head-cracking sonofabitch who is thoroughly sick of stupid people ruining the country.
We're talking about SCOTUS, not your lame mores.
He's not on Trump's list you dumbshit because he has not been deemed qualified. Duh.
Look at Trump's list. Man, the stupidity on this issue is a new nadir here.
It's based on vetting of qualifications you dumbshit.
Gowdy will never on any list for SCOTUS. There are thousands with better credentials than him, not just the 25 TRUMP HAS ALREADY IDENTIFIED. Gowdy, in fact, is fucking useless and I'm glad he's out.
Prosecutor in Buttplug, SC is my first guess.
Read it, moron. It will give you the first clue, which you clearly are missing.
Sure, Do you have $2500 to pay first? If you do, I can brief that in 24 hours. If not, read Trump's own published statement on this issue.
We're not in an"argument," dummy. Youre just getting shit on.
So you sucked dick for 30 years? You seem like a dumbfaggot, so that's credible.
Gowdy praised Mueller about weekly. He's a shill.
POTUS has enumerated his requirements in writing and verbally and made a list of those who met the qualifications. Are you really THAT obtuse?