You sounds like a fucking lawyer. Maybe you should check your facts before you make your argument. Judicial experience is not a requirement… I suspect you are not aware of all the SC Justices that were not Judges… Or how about the ones that weren't lawyers? Or how about the Attorneys that didn't go to law school. It wasn't until the corrupt B.A.R. can into being that you needed the bullshit they teach you in law school. Just so you know, I got the top lawyer in the biggest lawfirm in my city removed from practicing law and three more on the way, plus two Judges. So fuck you when you hold your profession to some bullshit standard… It is a fake standard because guess what, Judges are lawyers too.
I'm not worth your time because you don't know your history. Like every lawyer, you lose the argument so you bow out like a know nothing puke. Gowey is a former federal prosecutor like many SC Justices before him. He knows his current job better than most.
There are no qualifications, there are only requirements. It is the CONSTITUTION. It is like saying, well he is not qualified to receive due process or he is not qualified to receive freedom of speech. I guess the only qualification is that he hasn't been nominated, so in that regard you are right; Trey Gowdy is not qualified.
You went to law school, pass the bar yet?
Not everyone is a shill and not everyone is sliding… Self righteous lawyers are one of the main problems in society. The original 13th Amendment "Titles of Nobility Amendment" was designed to keep lawyers out of govt and keep the B.A.R. out of the United States. But for the war of 1812, it would be on the books. Evidence suggests it was ratified.
Sorry, but it is a vile profession… Think the code of Blue is bad, find out what happens to a lawyer that refers another to the BAR or if they refer a Judge? Look up Sturgeon v. Superior Court of Calif. Los Angeles regarding judicial bribes. ALL SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES IN CALIFORNIA (save 3 counties) ARE GUILTY OF STATE AND FEDERAL BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION. Not my opinion, CA Appeals Court.
Only reason I responded too.