They drained the Swamp and built DC on it.
Build a wall around DC.
And fill it with water.
Problem solved.
They drained the Swamp and built DC on it.
Build a wall around DC.
And fill it with water.
Problem solved.
The Plan is Americans will have the choice of whatever Chinese shit Trump put on Bezos's conveyor belt.
It's pretty clear the government is going to murder and imprison whoever the hell they want to for whatever reason they want to.
Best just to keep looking out for their assassins.
Redpilled means you swallow Trump jizz
Trump sent his, "Warmest regards" to a bunch of people burned up in a fire lit by a government actor.
That's pretty evil.
And in two more weeks those cops still won't give a fuck about anyone's civil rights.
Never forget, one day you'll die, because God wins.
The fucking Death Cult in this place stinks.