Anonymous ID: 407f54 Aug. 15, 2023, 6:11 p.m. No.19366526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6576 >>6605

Former President Donald Trump held a private town hall with over 130 state Freedom Caucus lawmakers on Monday August 14th, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal. The conversation was facilitated by the new State Freedom Caucus network, which now has 11 equivalents of the House Freedom Caucus across the country, with a plan for all 50 state legislatures. On the hour-long call heard by the Pulse were some of the most conservative state legislators from South Carolina, Arizona, Illinois, and Idaho, with Trump opening the conversation by calling it “a privilege to address the State Freedom Caucus Network… a very important group of people,” before making an opening statement and going on to take questions from the participants. The conversation began with a question about Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines, to which the former President lauded governors who allowed the public to make informed decisions for themselves, reminding the audience that he had never supported vaccine mandates. Trump also answered tough questions on his backing of Senator Lindsay Graham, explaining that the South Carolina Senator “does help me with the liberal side of the Republican Party… and even some of the liberal Democrats,” before reminding one South Carolina freedom caucus member: “[Y]ou have a little bit of a liberal bent in South Carolina, and I think its okay if we show a little bit of flexibility.” Trump’s typical 2016-style pragmatism was on display throughout the conversation seen by The National Pulse, as he discussed ballot harvesting initiatives, future travel plans to states like Idaho, and slammed Joe Biden as a “crooked man, as crooked as a three-dollar bill!”

Some of the President’s more pointed ire was aimed at Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who voted to convict him following the post-January 6th impeachment. “Cassidy’s a very bad guy,” he said, to agreement from the participants. In closing the call, Trump discussed a recent viral video from Los Angeles, wherein a “pack of young kids,” cleared out a department store while looting in broad daylight. He used the issue as an example of how far the country had fallen under Joe Biden and his “Bidenomics” agenda. Andy Roth, the president of the State Freedom Caucus Network, told The National Pulse: “It was an honor to have President Trump speak to the State Freedom Caucus lawmakers in our Network… Our members share the President’s desire to take on the Deep State and restore our country’s greatness.” Attendees appeared to enjoy the conversation with the former President, with many lauding him for his fighting spirit, answers to tough questions, and future plans.