Anonymous ID: 94fa1e Aug. 16, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.19368346   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




All of these communist indictments are about silencing President Trump’s speech and ultimately YOUR free speech.


The radical left has been trying to destroy free speech by telling you that you can’t say things like this:


“The election was stolen.”


“Trump won.”


“Voting machines can be hacked to change votes and steal elections.”


“Mass absentee ballot mailings created massive election fraud.”


“J6 was not an insurrection.”


“J6 was a Fedsurrection.”


“Why isn’t Ray Epps and others like him locked up like other J6’ers?”


“Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the security breach at the Capitol on J6, she refused to bring in the National Guard and knew the threats ahead of time.”


“There are only two genders/sexes.”


“Trans surgeries are genital mutilation.”


“Children are being groomed to believe gender lies.”


“Grooming children about sex is what pedophiles do.”


“Hollywood and the music industry is filled with pedophiles and satanists.”


“The trans medical industry is targeting children and they belong in jail.”


“Abortion is not women’s healthcare, it is the brutal murder of the most innocent human life.”


“Being a mother is the greatest adventure of a women’s lifetime, even when it starts as a big mistake.”


“God will fill you with love like you’ve never known before for your unwanted baby and will send you help to survive and thrive.”


“COVID shut downs are/were wrong.”


“Take Ivermectin to save your life from COVID.”


“Don’t wear a mask or take an experimental vaccine.”


“Natural immunity is real immunity, COVID vaccines don’t work.”


“The COVID vaccines are killing people.”


“Carbon is not causing climate change, the Earth’s climate has always changed.”


“The border is wide open, cartels are controlling the border, and the Biden admin is responsible for deadly human and drug trafficking.”


“Fossil fuels are our most important form of energy and must be protected.”


“The Green New Deal is a communist manifesto for climate cultists.”


“Drill baby drill!”


“Joe Biden is a criminal and controlled puppet of the intelligence community, Ukraine, and the globalist elites.”


“We should not be funding the Ukraine war.”


“America is losing in the proxy war against Russia.”


“America should not be involved in regime change in foreign countries.”


“The Ukraine war should be over but U.S. involvement is pushing us towards WW3.”


“America pushed Russia into the arms of China by funding the Ukraine war and that is now destabilizing and changing the world’s economy ultimately making China the world’s number one super power.”


“Struggling Americans can’t afford gas, food, and rent because of inflation caused by green new deal policies and the Ukraine war causing soaring inflation and energy costs.”


“Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles by God fearing Christian men.”


“Our country can only be saved by returning to God.”


“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.”


And once they destroy our first amendment- free speech, they ARE COMING for our second amendment rights!


They will disarm Americans and they can’t wait to do it.