Morning, shills. Another day at the office? How are you poor bastards going to do roll call now? How will they know you are here 365 days a year to get your shekels transferred to your accounts? Kek. Winning bigly.
God bless you and keep you poor bastards from harm, this day and forever.
Trust me I know winning bigly and we couldn't possibly be winning any moar biglier. No one wins like we do, no one. We win so much its absurd, it's yuge, it's absolutely tremendous. You know who wins in the end? Trust me, I know better than anyone who wins in the end. God wins. That's who.
Hey Q make sure Q+ stays on the tread mill we need him for 4 moar years of winning bigly.
Morning, salty defeated avatarfag namefag famefag identityfag. God bless you and love you fren, even if you're seething over the epic loss of your control on narrative and optics.
Tough love is still love, and I'm pure love buddy. Everything I did was out of love for this board and country. When the echo chamber shills start agreeing with each other too much and making too much of a presence ill always be right here to destroy their evil charade. Why? Because I walk with God. And God wins.
Imagine being so pathetically bad at your board narrative controlling shilling job that you're been decimated and reduced to the only excuse left for manufacturing fake and gay board celebrities and rallying around each other as sycophants gatekeeping all discussion here is because "You just want friends on a ANONYMOUS research image board fully designed for anonymity to keep the playing field even". Kek poor bastards don't stand a chance. God bless you all, even the shills and pray the seek redemption.
God bless you all, so bigly, so hugely, so tremendously, and keep you from harm YUGELY, this day and forever ever moar. Love you guys infinitely. We are winning bigly in the battle of positivity.
But but but muh morning copy pasta 365 days a year bot ritual virtue signaling our arrival every single morning and drowning everyone else out is just because muh muh anonymous cartoon avatarfag frens and I need validation on an anonymous image board.
Lurk moar, fren. And God bless you, so bigly, so yugely, so tremendously that no one has ever been blessed like this before. We are bringing so much positivity to Q research no one has ever seen anything like this before. Nobody does positive like us, no one.
You know, I don't destroy deeply embedded gatekeeper board celebrity shills because it's easy, but because it's fun. Winning shouldn't possibly feel this bigly, oh wait yes it should.
You know whats notable from deeply embedded gatekeeper board celebrity clown shills? Nothing. Ever. Kek
TL;DR anyone typing this much is a utterly defeated cartoon faggot morning virtue signaling avatarfaggot famefaggot namefaggot.
#Free speech
31 posts obvious shill being obvious. This is really going to help the street cred of the echo chamber in front of newfags
Seethe as you read this Q post that utterly destroys your 5 years of effort to manufacture trusted board celebrities and lose bigly.
Only newfags Filter. Same with pussies. Never filtered once. Also, when you use projection like this to use the power of suggestion that you're filtering in hopes others filters, it's just plainly admitting you've lost the argument and you're defeated. Project much harder if you want to win.
Sorry bro don't listen to gay homosexuql fag music nor do I bake. Too many bakers here have been put on hormone replacement therapy and wanted to chop their dicks off both Leaf and Tranimae. Which makes me wonder if they were both clowns here to make it look like anyone who bakers Q research will eventually turn into a tramny and chop off their cock. Either way God bless you
Look at that little hornets nest echo chamber spin and seethe. Looks like winning bigly to me.
Hey guud morning buddy? Why you IP hopping? We both know you've never had only 2 posts in a thread in your entire life. God bless you with yuge positivity this morning.
The sun is shining. Im off work today. Echo chamber shills are panicking and seething moar bigly than ever to justify their fake and gay manufactured trusted board celebrity figures. God, it looks like winning bigly to me. God bless everyone here so bigly, so yugely, it's going to be a tremendous day.
Ready for another day of scripted kayfabe arguments with muhjoo shills all day on repeat like a broken record?
On a scale from 1 to positive anon couldn't be moar positive today. We are winning BIGLY. God I love you all
You seem to be the only one desperately projecting your own negativity and seethe on everyone else. I'm blessing the shit out of this board and you're whining and crying. Shills whine. Love you buddy