Anonymous ID: 9d2746 Aug. 16, 2023, 7:23 p.m. No.19372898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2909 >>2911 >>2924 >>2931 >>2940 >>3061 >>3073


So, let's say CoG is a thing, and Trump is still POTUS.


-Then Trump wins in 2024

-Technically, he has already served 8 years (2 terms) under CoG.


How does that work?

Does he step down an VP steps up?


Does Bidan bow out (very soon), Heels Up ineligible and Trump is voted in as SOTH- then moved to POTUS position?


If so, then when does Trump come clean that he's been POTUS all along, and do the honorable thing and only serve 2 terms?