Anonymous ID: fea591 Aug. 16, 2023, 7:56 p.m. No.19373066   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ITAnon must be resilient to change, encourage failure and adopt lessons learned from it. ITAnon spent 10+ hours on here every day for at least 3 years while working from home for public health system(government slow as shit and ITAnon is a manager so near zero work). Then the mandates came. Tough times since. Siege warfare is no fun, especially when children prevent going full John the Savage. Enduring simultaneous medieval and modern 5th+ gen warfare, whilst envisioning the change from ascension and how to play an honorable role worthy of being awake for 20 years, whilst isolating, protecting, feeding and keeping a roof over the precious ones that will take over from us, takes a significant toll on the jimmies.

>incidentally other than hating myself that is pretty spot on.