I have an alternate persona
That is a master car driver
One with the machine
That delights in the opportunity
To start from a red light on a steep hill
In my manual transmission car
Using the handbrake to not roll back at all
I can zone out completely
In heavy city traffic
Or on wild freeway traffic
I can plan my day,
Rehearse a presentation in my mind
Completely lose touch with my surroundings
When I come back, I have no idea where I am
I have to look at my surroundings
or ask a passenger
And yet. my master driver
Takes the wheel
And never has an accident
Or even a near miss
In thinking
This persona may have been created
When I was young
Only driving for two years
And on a two-lane highway
I tried to pass a vehicle
But there was not enough time
To get past
And a semi was heading toward me
The other way
I remember
Being scared out of my wits
(think of the literal meaning of that)
I grabbed the wheel with two hands
And went further left
Onto a gravel shoulder
Braking a bit first while still on the pavement
It worked
The semi zoomed past
Possibly the shock and fear of that incident
Was the trauma that split off an alter
My blood is similar to Trump
Who I believe to be of Illuminati blood
Although he is not in the cult
I am half Celtic and half German
And clearly related to the Habsburgs
And the British royals and Normans
For others it may not be that easy
To split off alters
In any case, for most people
There is more to gain
In the books
Of Norman Vincent Peale