Anonymous ID: ceb5ad June 28, 2018, 1:36 a.m. No.1937644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7678 >>7692


In some cases, a trauma can be a kickstarter to a process (though I personally disdain trauma inflicted on others for them to gain this effect), but after the incident extreme care must be taken as to not fall over the other side of the insane/genius scale.

After trauma, healing, rest and understanding.

Did you know? Heyoka shamans traditionally are discovered when they are struck by lightning. (In modern society, the Thunder Beings have found a few new ways to communicate this process, luckily ;) )

For most, at least in my experience, meditation and stillness is indeed the way. (Heyoka do as Heyoka will, after all! Just try to stop them and they'll push back even harder KEK!)

Trust in yourself and your inner self. They are one as we are one. No division, only Unity. The mountaintop remains the same no matter which path you take up its sides.


Anonymous ID: ceb5ad June 28, 2018, 2:07 a.m. No.1937754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7771 >>7777


Oh so very gay! Very gay indeed!!

No such thing as appropriation, only appreciation. The name is not the meaning behind it. Look beyond the obvious, find the pattern underneath and you will see where Heyoka shouts softly and whispers loudly.

Can you appropriate something that is intrinsically You? :)

Make them laugh, Heyoka. Make them see that their set ways are not the only ones merely for sake of tradition. Show them their shadow so they might learn from it. Reflect it so they can reflect on themselves.

Fool, they might call you, but you know yourself and you know them. Be the mirror, be the Fool to show them Their foolishness.

Cry in joy, laugh in sadness. Good, Evil? Turn it on its head in your mind, see what happens? Make them question Everything

The shape is only what we see, the sound is only what we hear, drink deeply but remain rooted.

Dance in Merry Starlight



If everything is One and you are One then is not the Persona of the master driver also One with You?

But so is the car, and the ground upon which it is driven, and the people in the other cars which are also You?

Which message do you believe the incident with the Semi might have been? Imagine, if you will, that this is a stage upon which a play is set. Which lesson should the You Who Were Almost Hit By A Semi be taught from the experience, from the perspective of the audience? What of the perspective of the author?

After this, remember that you ARE the author.

Breathe, Think, Learn. You are more than you know but also exactly what you know. Paradox? Perhaps, or not so at all.




Howled at its glorious reflection with my beloved and danced underneath its rays while singing of whatever came to mind. Liberating feelings abound. Slept well that night.


To all Anons here: Trust yourselves, great times are ahead if we all help make them so (which you are, in whichever way you see fit)


<3 I LOVE YOU <3

Anonymous ID: ceb5ad June 28, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.1937833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7878


Wonderful Quads of Seven. I wonder what the eight will bring? ;)

The tongue tingles with unspoken words, yet these I give you in writing, one Heart to Another sameHeart:

Thank You, Friend

Anonymous ID: ceb5ad June 28, 2018, 2:29 a.m. No.1937850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8023 >>8046


Please provide a source that links this image to the account provided. We do not wish to endanger anyone who might not have done any harm, letting those that have done harm slip by in the process.