break out the ghey inbred bot-signaling
nah, she died in the hospital after something routine. totally natural-like
it's gheyness
moar importantly, wtf cares?
it's easy enough to do
>Being thankful that things COULD be worse is not the same as winning.
>>>19375427 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day
moar proof that this place is a knockoff of FR.
i see. so they set the whole island on fire by first setting a great big abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere on fire first?
in the parallel universe that passes for most people's minds, I suppose that makes perfect sense.
that's right.
ignore the objective proof provided. listen instead to the freak trying to brainwash you into believing whatever he says ("don't believe your lying eyes!").
8kun gonna FR
it's ok you can order an inflatable one.
completely artificial