Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19377001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7033 >>7060 >>7220 >>7375 >>7414 >>7460

Main Russian objective in Ukraine already achieved – Lukashenko


Moscow has ensured Kiev will never again be a threat, the Belarusian president has said


Russia has already reached the principal aim of its military operation in Ukraine, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview aired on Thursday.


“As of today, the goals of the special military operation have been met,” Lukashenko told Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, during a two-hour interview posted on YouTube.


“Ukraine will never be so aggressive towards Russia after this war ends, as it was before. Ukraine will be different. People in power [there] will be more cautious, smart, more cunning if you will,” Lukashenko said.


His comments came in response to a question by Panchenko whether Russian President Vladimir Putin had ever revealed the conditions under which Moscow would consider that the operation had achieved its objectives.


“We never discussed that topic in that spirit,” Lukashenko replied, “but I can tell you what my position is.”


Belarus is part of the Union State with Russia, and has been sanctioned by the US and its allies over the Ukraine conflict. While Belarusian troops have not taken part in the hostilities, Russian forces had used the country’s territory for their initial deployment near Kiev.


In a speech in early June, Lukashenko noted that the conflict did not begin in February 2022, or even with the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev, pointing instead to the 2004 “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine.


“Everything was leading up to this. Probably the only mistake we made was that we did not resolve this issue in 2014-2015, when Ukraine had neither an army nor resolve,” he said.


Instead, Russia chose the path of diplomacy with the Minsk Agreements, brokered by Germany and France. Former leaders of the two countries, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande, admitted last fall that the purported roadmap for peace was a ploy to buy Kiev time for building up Ukrainian armed forces.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19377046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7073 >>7220 >>7284 >>7375 >>7414 >>7460

GOP Demands Biden Emails Using Pseudonym After Hunter CC'd On Ukraine Call


House Republican investigators have asked the National Archives to hand over any unredacted records in which then-VP Joe Biden used a pseudonym.


Previously released emails retrieved from Hunter's abandoned laptop reveal that Biden used a "" email address while he was serving as Vice President of the United States. What's more, that Biden aide John Flynn cc'd Hunter on 10 emails which contained Joe's daily schedule between May 19 and June 15, 2016.


One of the emails details plans for a phone call with Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko. Flynn copied Hunter at his email address at Rosemont Seneca Partners - while Hunter was serving on the board of Ukrainian energy giant, Burisma, which was deemed to be corrupt by the Obama-Biden State Department.


"Boss–8:45am prep for 9am phone call with Pres Poroshenko. Then we're off to Rhode Island for infrastructure event and then Wilmington for UDel commencement," Flynn wrote. "Nate will have your draft remarks delivered later tonight or with your press clips in the morning."


The House Oversight Committee request primarily is focused on Hunter’s $1 million per year position on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which hired the then-second son in early 2014 as his dad assumed control of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.


But the broad request for records involving the president’s pseudonyms could turn up a variety of content, including about other Biden family ventures in countries such as China. -NY Post


According to a letter from House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, "The Committee’s need for these Vice-Presidential records is specific and well- documented," adding "The Committee seeks to craft legislative solutions aimed at deficiencies it has identified in the current legal framework regarding ethics laws and disclosure of financial interests related to the immediate family members of Vice Presidents and Presidents— deficiencies that may place American national security and interests at risk."


"The Committee seeks unrestricted special access/ … These records have been redacted for public release pursuant to the PRA and FOIA. For example, an email bearing the subject “Friday Schedule Card,” is withheld in part under a “P6” and “b(6)” restrictions, denoting personal information regarding the subject under the PRA and FOIA respectively," Comer wrote.


"Attached to this email, and made available on the NARA website, is a document that indicates at 9:00 a.m. on May 27, 2016, Vice President Biden took a call with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko," he added. "It is concerning to the Committee, however, that this document was sent to “Robert L. Peters”—a pseudonym the Committee has identified as then Vice- President Biden. Additionally, the Committee questions why the then-Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden—and only Hunter Biden—was copied on this email to then-Vice President Biden."


As Just the News further notes, The letter requested special access to specific documents, including any:


"Document or communication in which a pseudonym for Vice President Joe Biden was included either as a sender, recipient, copied or was included in the contents of the document or communication, including but not limited to Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware;

"Document or communication in which Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer was included either as a sender, recipient, copied, or was included in the contents of the document or communication; and

"Drafts from November 1, 2015 to December 9, 2015 of then-Vice President Biden’s speech delivered to the Ukrainian Rada on December 9, 2015."


Democrats probably need another Trump indictment at this point.


You dumbfucks already have enough evidence - arrests time

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19377057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

Georgia State Lawmaker Moves to Impeach DA Fani Willis for Political Bias in Indictments Against President Trump Based on So-Called Speech Crimes


Democrats are criminalizing speech in America.


Marxist Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.


A Fulton County grand jury on Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.


There are 30 unindicted co-conspirators.


Trump’s lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman and others were also indicted.


Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment.


Trump was charged for asking his supporters to watch One America News and RSBN in a series of tweets.


The entire process has been abusive.


The Fulton County Clerk posted Trump’s charges online BEFORE the grand jury had deliberated.


On Thursday, Georgia State Senator Colton Moore said enough is enough and moved to impeach Fani Willis.


“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis.” Senator Colton Moore said.


“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.” he added.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.19377080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7087 >>7118 >>7147 >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

James Comer Reveals List Of Pseudonyms Joe Biden Used As VP – Demands National Archives Hand Over ALL Un-Redacted Records of “Rober L. Peters” aka Joe Biden


Biden used the email address “” while Barack Obama’s sidekick and that his aide John Flynn cc’d Hunter on 10 emails containing Joe’s schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016.


He also used “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware” while “working” as vice-president.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.19377101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

3 People Have Died After Infection With Rare Flesh-Eating Bacteria in Connecticut and New York


At least three people have died in Connecticut and New York after contracting a rare flesh-eating bacteria that can be found in warm, brackish waters, or raw shellfish, officials confirmed Wednesday.


Two people in Connecticut became infected with Vibrio vulnificus and died after swimming in two separate locations on Long Island Sound, according to Christopher Boyle, director of communications for the state’s Department of Public Health.


A third person was infected in July after eating raw oysters from an out-of-state establishment, according to the Department of Public Health. All three were between 60 and 80 years old, according to the department.


The virus has also been detected in an individual who died in Long Island, Gov. Kathy announced Wednesday. Officials are still investigating the death in Suffolk County to determine whether the bacteria was encountered in New York waters or elsewhere, according to the news release.


Vibrio vulnificus comes from the same family as the bacteria that causes cholera.


A mild case of the bacterial infection vibriosis can cause skin wounds, blisters, abscesses, and ulcers. It typically includes chills, fever, diarrhea, stomach pain, and possibly vomiting. In more severe cases, people can develop septicemia. This is more common for those with underlying health conditions, particularly liver disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, or other diseases that suppress the immune system.


Anyone can get vibriosis, but people with an open wound, such as a cut or scrape, a recent piercing or a new tattoo, should avoid exposing skin to warm seawater in coastal environments or cover the area with a waterproof bandage, the news release says.


Doctors say it is important to seek treatment quickly if you develop a skin infection after possible exposure to the bacteria.


Vibrio vulnificus causes an estimated 80,000 illnesses and 100 deaths in the United States every year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Officials Advising People to Be Cautious


Officials from Connecticut and New York are advising people to take precautions before consuming raw oysters or being exposed to salty or brackish water.


“People should consider the potential risk of consuming raw oysters and exposure to salt or brackish water and take appropriate precautions,” Dr. Manisha Juthani, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Public Health, said in a news release on July 28. “Particularly during the hottest months of the summer, bacteria are more likely to overgrow and contaminate raw shellfish.”


New York’s governor echoed those sentiments Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:37 a.m. No.19377123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7134 >>7146 >>7172 >>7183 >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

How tech billionaires with property in Hawaii are responding to Maui wildfires


The devastating wildfires that have ravaged Maui have prompted billionaire tech moguls who have bought wide swaths of property in Hawaii to pitch in with charitable donations to help rebuild the devastated town of Lahaina.


Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel have all paid eight- and nine-figure sums to acquire land and property on the archipelago.


Bezos, who paid a reported $78 million for a 14-acre compound on Maui, has committed to the creation of a $100 million fund to help the island “get back on its feet,” his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, wrote in a recent Instagram post.


Zuckerberg’s wife, Priscilla Chan, announced on Facebook that the couple was donating an unspecific amount of money.


The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, the charity founded by the couple, cut a check for $400,000 to the Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund, according to Fortune.


The Hawaii Community Foundation has also received $500,000 from Pierre Omidyar, the eBay founder whose net worth is estimated by Bloomberg at $9.36 billion.


Omidyar’s donation was reported by Philanthropy News Digest.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19377127   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159 >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

Mystery Surrounds Deaths Of 17 People On Air Force Base Just This Year


The Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma has refused to disclose the causes of death for 17 base personnel this year, reported.


Tinker Air Force Base wouldn’t elaborate on a statement that the 17 personnel died from “various causes,” and said that several deaths were still under investigation, according to Multiple social media posts, as well as a source tied to the base, alleged that the Tinker Air Force Base has been afflicted by a number of suicides.


“I’m sorry, but we are not going to release the number of deaths at Tinker,” Kimberly Woodruff, a spokesperson for Tinker Air Force Base, told “We have ongoing investigations and to protect the families and the units, we won’t comment on those numbers. It is Air Force policy that we do not disclose information about deaths or their circumstances.”


There is no policy that prohibits releasing the number of deaths at Air Force bases, according to Department of the Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek, reported. Tinker Air Force Base public affairs later released the number of deaths from the current calendar year to, but did not disclose their causes.


Several other branches of the military have been swift in identifying deaths and suspected suicides, according to The Army and bipartisan lawmakers brought attention to several suicides of service members stationed in Alaska in 2022, and – when inquired – the Navy immediately confirmed to the deaths and suspected suicides aboard the USS George Washington and USS Theodore Roosevelt.


Teri Caserta, the mother of a Navy sailor who died by suicide in 2018, said that the base needs to be held accountable for releasing details about the deaths. Caserta helped spearhead the creation of the Brandon Act – named after Castera’s late son – which allows military service members to confidentially seek mental health treatment.


“Tinker does not have to disclose the names of the airmen/women who have died, but I believe we as citizens who have service members and who have children looking into serving our country deserve to know why and how airmen/women are dying,” Caserta said in an email Wednesday, according to “We need to know that the Air Force takes all deaths as seriously as they claim and, if there is toxicity within the ranks at Tinker, they all should be held accountable for these deaths whether they are suicides or not.”


Tinker Air Force Base did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:40 a.m. No.19377137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7174 >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

Tropical Storm Hilary Heads For US Coast, Expected To Become 'Major Hurricane'


Tropical Storm Hilary is heading for California and the southwest, and is expected to turn into a “major hurricane” by Friday.


The last time a significant tropical storm hit California was 1939, almost 100 years ago, according to MyRadar Weather. The extremely rare weather event is expected to make landfall in the Golden State after moving up through the Baja Peninsula and into San Diego. From here, forecasts suggest Hilary will hit Los Angeles by Saturday or Sunday, before moving inland through Las Vegas, Nevada, according to weather maps.


The National Weather Service (NWS) forecast Hilary will become a “major hurricane” Friday night, and will hit the U.S. throughout the weekend and into Monday. NWS is hopeful the storm will dissipate slightly over the weekend, and will turn back into a tropical storm by Sunday.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19377185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7220 >>7375 >>7414

Military releases charges Camp Pendleton Marine faces after missing girl found in barracks


Camp Pendleton officials have released the criminal complaint listing sexual assault charges filed against a Marine after a missing 14-year-old girl was found in the barracks in late June.


The Marine, whose name has not been released, is charged with three counts of sexual assault and two charges of violating liberty restrictions, according to the document released Tuesday. It indicates the alleged crimes or violations happened June 27, the day before the East County girl was found.


The Marine is with Combat Logistics Battalion 5, 1st Marine Logistics Group, according to 1st Marine Logistics Group spokesperson Capt. Charles Palmer.


Few details of the case have been released, but may be revealed during a preliminary hearing, scheduled for Thursday at Camp Pendleton.


The story of the discovery of the missing girl went viral in early July after the girl’s aunt posted a TikTok video alleging the girl had been trafficked.


On June 28, military police at Camp Pendleton found the girl in a barracks. The military notified the county Sheriff’s Department, and the girl was reunited with her family.


According to the Sheriff’s Department, the grandmother said the teen ran away from home June 9. She had run away on previous occasions, but quickly returned. When the teen was still unaccounted for on June 13, the grandmother reported her missing.


After the girl was found in the barracks, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service questioned the Marine, then released him to his command pending charges.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19377204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ten signs that the American people have reached a breaking point


#1) The lawless Democrats are drunk with power and are making a mockery of the rule of law

#2) America's cities are collapsing into violence, mental illness, shoplifting and ruin

#3) The corporations are going insane with virtue signaling

#4) More and more Americans are waking up to the "theft by inflation" caused by Biden's never-ending money printing, and they are angry

#5) It's now obvious that the 2020 election was stolen

#6) False flag operations being run against the American people

#7) Pedophilia is fully embraced by Democrats and the Left

#8) The climate cult has expanded into a globally shared mental illness

#9) The development of depopulation bioweapons continues to be funded by the U.S. government

#10) It's finally becoming undeniable that the USA, NATO and Ukraine have lost the war with Russia

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.19377216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netflix Trailer Exposes Boy Scouts Abuse Scandal: “This Is an Abomination,” 82,000 Boys


A Netflix documentary is exposing the Boy Scouts’ child abuse scandal.


The documentary feature Scout’s Honor (trailer below) details “how the Boy Scouts of America attempted to cover up one of history’s most horrific child sexual abuse scandals” through “exclusive interviews with whistleblowers, survivors and former employees.”


The trailer notes there have been a documented 82,000 abuse claims against former scout leaders who were entrusted to teach and protect children enrolled with the personal growth program, which was founded in 1910.


“I don’t care if I bring the whole temple down, this is an abomination,” says one interview subject in the trailer. While another claims, “I know kids are still at risk in Scouting.”


In a statement released in 2021, the Boy Scouts of America said they were “devastated by the number of lives impacted by past abuse in Scouting” and “the response we have seen from survivors has been gut wrenching” … and, “We are deeply sorry.”


The documentary, which is being released Sept. 6, is from director Brian Knappenberger (Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror) and producers Conor Fetting-Smith, Sabrina Parke, Clive Patterson, and executive producers Knappenberger and Orlando von Einsiedel


Click on Link Below to Watch Trailer:

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.19377257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7269 >>7375 >>7414

Colombian capital Bagota shaken by powerful 6.1-magnitude earthquake


The Colombian capital, Bogota, experienced a strong earthquake on Thursday that triggered the activation of sirens and led to brief moments of panic on the streets.


However, there were no reported injuries or substantial material damage.


The Colombian Geological Survey (CGS) measured the earthquake's magnitude at 6.1, while the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported it as 6.3. This seismic event occurred at 12:04 pm, originating from the town of El Calvario located in the central part of the country, approximately 40 kilometres southeast of Bogota. The initial quake was followed by a 5.9-magnitude aftershock, as conveyed by the agency through social media platforms.


During the tremors, buildings trembled and sirens blared, prompting thousands of residents to pour into the streets. Worried individuals clutched their cell phones, hastily calling their loved ones. Mayor Claudia Lopez urged calmness, caution, and preparedness against potential aftershocks through a social network post.


Reports indicated that the impact of the earthquake was relatively minor. The mayor confirmed instances of people being trapped in elevators and other minor events, with no serious incidents reported.


Social media users from cities near the epicentre, including Villavicencio, Bucaramanga, Tunja, and Ibague, reported feeling the quake's effects.


Even the US ambassador to Colombia, Francisco Palmieri, was in the midst of a speech when the earthquake struck.


Although he paused briefly to acknowledge the situation, he continued speaking with a smile. The event did not necessitate the evacuation of the hotel.


Localized impacts were reported, including a landslide in Villavicencio and minor window damage in El Calvario. Central Colombia, known for its seismic activity and geological faults, experienced this tremor within its well-known fault lines.


The recent earthquake harkens back to the region's history of seismic activity. In 2008, a 5.5 magnitude quake centred in El Calvario resulted in the unfortunate loss of 11 lives.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19377290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7333 >>7375 >>7414

Alabama doctor claims males will be able to give birth using transplanted wombs


“I think that it is certainly medically possible. The future is wide open.”


A leading surgeon at the University of Alabama says that it will be medically possible for transgender women to give birth to their own children through the innovation of womb transplants in the near future.


Dr. Paige Porrett, the lead surgeon at the Comprehensive Transplant Institute at UAB, who specializes in womb transplants for women born without uteruses or have had hysterectomies, believes that doctors will be able to offer these same procedures to biological men that have transitioned into women, which would allow them to give birth, according to Daily Mail.


“I think there's a lot of providers, such as myself, who would envision that is the case,” Dr. Porrett told Daily Mail. “I think that it is certainly medically possible. The future is wide open.”


However, due to the high-risk nature of the procedure, Dr. Porrett warns that it is too early to perform these surgeries on men who believe themselves to be the opposite sex due to multiple factors that could cause serious complications, which include hormone replacement therapy and previous gender-affirming surgeries.


“I think it'll happen in the future, but there's going to be a lot more work that our community needs to do to be able to offer that safely,” Dr. Porrett told Daily Mail.


Dr. Porrett explained that the procedure is considered extremely high-risk for biological women already, and men have obvious anatomical differences in their reproductive systems. Males are unable to produce eggs or carry children, even if those men have had genital surgery to give their penises the appearance of a vagina.


"It's a big operation," Dr. Porrett said. "There's not many transplant surgeons like myself, either in the States or in the world, frankly, that can do this procedure."


The Daily Mail reported that "Doing this in a transgender woman, especially one who still has male sex organs, would be even more difficult due to those anatomical differences. Hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery could make it more difficult for a trans patient to produce enough eggs for IVF, which is part of the transplant protocol." The Daily Mail does not mention that males do not produce eggs and cannot produce eggs, never mind "enough" for IVF.


Men who have undergone penile inversion and vaginoplasty are still men, though contemporary parlance continues to refer to them as women, for fear of hurting their feelings. Men do not conceive or carry young.


The Uterus Transplant Program at University of Alabama is one of only four in the United States that conducts uterine transplants, and it is the first to do so outside of a clinical trial.


These transplants have only been done approximately 100 times worldwide and are a multilayered process that takes around 18 months to complete on average, according to the Mail.


Dr. Porrett and her team delivered a baby boy through UAB's program in May. His mother was born without a uterus due to a rare disease.


The comprehensive procedure is done by removing a uterus from a deceased or living donor who is of reproductive age, which the clinic defines as biological women between 18 to 40 years old. Surgeons then transplant the uterus into the recipient which takes up to ten hours to perform.


The procedure entails linking blood vessels in the donor's uterus to blood vessels in the recipient's uterus, the outlet reports.


Dr. Porrett describes the process of sewing a little piece of the donor's vaginal tissue to the recipient's vagina as a “major technical difficulty.” This is required to ensure that the donor uterus may be connected to the recipient's cervix and vagina. Men do not have a vagina or a cervix, since they are men, which would make the surgical process entirely different.


If the procedure is successful, the patient will start menstruating which is the first time for many of these women.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19377354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7375 >>7377 >>7409 >>7414

DC FACE trial: Pro-life defense not allowed to say ‘infanticide,’ ‘abortion,’ or ‘innocent lives’


The judge has preemptively excluded all arguments that the defense might level related to the morality of abortion and its legality.


In a criminal trial I thought it was the job of the defense to argue in any way they thought reasonable to defend their client in court. I also thought it was the job of the jury to adjudicate the truth of the arguments offered by each side; and that it was the job of the judge to assure as much as possible that impartial jurors be selected to adjudicate whether the guilt of the defendants has been proven or not, and to impartially oversee the procedural progress of the trial.


Such, however, does not seem to have been the understanding of the judge in the present FACE Act trial in Washington D.C. in which charges of conspiracy and violations of a federal statute – a statute dependent upon the now-overturned Roe v. Wade and designed to assure at the federal level access to abortion facilities – are being leveled against nine pro-lifers, who sought to rescue the unborn from the untimely death of abortion.


Yesterday, while I watched Day One of the trial unfold in the courtroom, the prosecution and defense made their opening statements and heard the first several witnesses that the prosecution brought to the case. If the selection of a predominantly pro-abortion jury – in a case in which the defendants have said they acted out of their conviction that abortion is the murder of the baby – were not already an indication that the verdict is essentially predetermined in this trial, then the continual objections of the prosecution during the opening statement of the defense, and the full cooperation of the judge in sustaining them, should indicate the guided direction in which this trial is going.

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.19377369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7375

China deploys swarm of satellites to monitor military exercises in Australia


Hundreds of Chinese satellites are currently passing over Australia collecting intelligence on military training activities involving the United States and other regional partners.

Key points:


Three Chinese geostationary orbit satellites manoeuvred into position over northern Australia to monitor July's "Talisman Sabre" war games

Hundreds of smaller satellites are surveilling "Exercise Malabar", which involves warships from the US, India and Japan

Experts say Beijing has extraordinary capability to gather intelligence on Australian military operations


Commercial space data obtained by the ABC details the full scale of Beijing's surveillance on the recently completed "Exercise Talisman Sabre", as well as the "Exercise Malabar" naval drills now being held off Sydney.


In July, Canberra-based defence company EOS Space Systems tracked three Chinese geostationary orbit satellites manoeuvring into position below the equator to monitor the Talisman Sabre war games across northern Australia.


China's Shiyan 12-01 satellite was detected drifting westerly over the northern Australia region, while the Shijian-17 and Shijian-23 satellites were tracked drifting easterly to observe multiple areas where exercises were being conducted.


Since Exercise Malabar began on August 10, hundreds of much smaller low-orbit satellites (LEOs) have also been tracked completing thousands of flights at much lower altitudes over the Australian continent, focusing on the activity of warships around Sydney Harbour.


"We've been collecting optical surveillance data on Earth observing Chinese satellites during the Talisman Sabre and Malabar exercises and what that's showing is quite a lot of activity surveying the ground during those events," James Bennett from EOS Space Systems said.


"We've seen over 300 satellites surveying ground-based activities and the number of overflights is over 3,000 since the start of the Malabar exercise centred around the Sydney Harbour bay area," Dr Bennett added.


Exercise Malabar involves joint naval exercises between Australia and warships from the United States, India and Japan.


Space is considered an increasingly important domain for modern war-fighting operations across the globe, with Australia's recent Defence Strategic Review categorising it as a key element of a more integrated force.


The data on China's recent space activity was collected using telescopes stationed outside Canberra and at Learmonth in Western Australia, which was then analysed by EOS staff to precisely identify the satellites and their flight paths.


Dr Bennett said the large number of geostationary and low-orbit Chinese satellites currently above Australia is providing Beijing with extremely detailed and "persistent observation" of what is occurring on the mainland and offshore.


"They can glean military intelligence on what the capabilities and equipment are, as well as processes of ground military activities; they can use this to drive a fair bit of intelligence on military operations in Australia."


The Defence Department has declined to give details on how it was monitoring and mitigating any risks posed by the substantial Chinese satellite activity over Australia during what it describes as "well-publicised, complex war-fighting exercises".

Anonymous ID: a56e0e Aug. 17, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19377389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7393 >>7414

Horrifying moment private jet flying from luxury holiday island crashes and explodes in a huge fireball on Malaysian road killing at least ten including politician


The plane nosedived onto the tarmac in the town of Elmina in Shah Alam

All eight passengers and crew members died amid the devastating impact

Two motorists were also killed when the plane smashed into the highway


This is the horrifying moment a private jet flying from a luxury holiday island crashed and exploded in a huge fireball on a busy Malaysian road, leaving ten people dead.


The plane nosedived onto the tarmac in the town of Elmina in Shah Alam, Selangor province, shortly before 3pm local time after departing from the holiday island of Langkawi, killing all eight people on board and two unfortunate motorists.


Shocking video of the crash showed how the plane immediately erupted into flames as it smashed into the concrete, while a clip of the aftermath saw the wreckage billowing black smoke after it veered off the road and onto the nearby grass verge.


Johari Harun, a state assemblyman in central Pahang state in charge of housing and the environment, was among the plane passengers killed, police said.


Shah Alam district police chief Mohamad Iqbal Ibrahim confirmed that all the passengers on the plane had perished, as well as a pair of motorists.


'For now, I can say at least 10 people were killed in the plane crash. Two passing motorists - one in a car and one on a motorcycle - also perished together with the eight on board the plane,' Ibrahim declared.


Disturbing photographs from the scene showed how the plane had partially disintegrated after the brutal impact, with the charred wreckage of the stricken motorcycle pictured lying in the street.