Anonymous ID: c21f63 Aug. 17, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.19377374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7399

Kari lake another of*Hunter's Greatest Admirer's water carriers. Hey kari, remember that thing called the 2020 "Election" and how faux was worse than CNN (dividing OUR "side") with suppressing everything and lying?


January 26, 2020 (to watters)… "I've always liked him."I know him well. He was my neighbor. He's a really nice guy," Carlson said. "I've always liked him. He's a really troubled guy who had a great family. And then it blew up." …"He's like a lot of people I know in Washington," 50-year-old Carlson said of Biden, who will turn 50 himself Feb. 4. "Totally good guy. I'd love to have dinner with them.” ”I still like Hunter Biden… It's, like, of course, he's making, you know, whatever, a million a year from some Ukrainian energy company (BURISMA, right?) When were the corrupt bidens ever “great”?


Oct. 29, 2020  ‘’’Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone’’’ I never thought Hunter Biden was a bad person,” he concluded… but the point is pounding on a man, jumping on, and piling on when he's already down is something we don't want to be involved in.” *



Anonymous ID: c21f63 Aug. 17, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19377446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7465


Am focusing on all the shit faux and its cash cow suppressed, and didn't report. They wouldn't even report on PedoJoe. carlson said PedoJoe was "warm" toward his son AFTER the Ashley/DiaryShowers story was confirmed. WTFH?!

Another channel was airing that freak molesting little girls back when the pedo first announced, yet in 2021, he's "warm" and fathers should "appreciate" it?? faux aired not ONE iota of that foortage, while Hunter's Boyfriends did his "JOB".

How the fuck can anyone defend it…