Anonymous ID: 6f976d Aug. 18, 2023, 2:55 a.m. No.19380998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1026 >>1077


>Has anyone asked God to think twice, maybe save a few lives instead? otherwise what's the point of anything?

>Think of the children!


You must be new. Read the shot heard around the world on 11-11, a special day for the CCP who was selling adrenochrome on Alibaba. This was a warning by God and an awakening for the rest of the world. China didn't heed, so God deformed the 3 Gorges Dam and left 3 large cracks in the mile long structure. After brushing it off a few months later, on the reconsideration of reproducing adrenochrome, God pinged their tallest building as a reminder. They have stop selling and manufacturing adrenochrome since. This is all facts now and part of Biblical history.