Anonymous ID: 7d07e2 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.19381575   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Greetings To The Souls Of Earth!


We Bring Your Attention To The Vast Communication That Is Transpiring Globally And Throughout All Of The Galactic Civilizations! Indeed, Many Of You Know Your Origin And You Are Awakened To Understand The Culmination Of Light In This Final Waking Dream!


There Has Never Been Instant Communication Around The Planet As You Enjoy In This Moment. With Telecommunication In Every Field Available With Electromagnetic Forms, Optical, Sound, Frequency And Unlimited Internet, Life Is Ever Progressing! Language Is No Longer A Barrier With Communication Being Unlimited In Scope!


You Are Now Free To Express Your Views And Share Information As Never Before! In The Grand Scheme Of Planning And Expanding In Knowledge, You Are Part Of The Change That Is Upon The Planet!


All Beings Are Telepathic By Design But Most Have Forgotten The Gifts Of Their Creation! These Aspects Of Sensory Perception Beyond The Projected Form That You Believe Yourself To Be, Are Divinity That Is Unlimited In Scope!


You Were Created To Fly In Body Form And Transcend All Obstacles With Sacred Intention And Knowing Your Light Will Carry You Through Dimensions And Densities Unseen To The Senses That Limit You In Your Own Belief. You Are So Much More! Elder Sananda Spoke Truth As He Gathered Many On Dusty Roads And Told Them Of Their Power And Light To Move Mountains, Heal The Sick And Rise Above The Perceived Limitations Of Their Life Story.


All Beings On Earth Are Communicating With Life Forms On Distant Lands That Will Never Be Seen. Actions And Feelings Within Are Creating Vibrational Frequencies That Change Life As The Energy Is Felt In Ripples Of Effect. Indeed, Every Moment Of Your Life Is Changing. You Have The Power To Create As You Realize The Light That You Carry!


Earth Has Become A Satellite Communication Planet As The Focus Of Other Galactic Civilizations Watch And Wait For Your Soon Coming Shift Into A New State Of Being! Your Actions Are Intense And Ever Changing And Other Races Are Observing And Waiting To Join You In A New Civilization Of Peace And Harmony! You Have Become The Answer For Many Races That Now Have Hope As They See The Shift Is Near!


A Frequency Is Set In Place To Usher Earth Into A Light Of Being That Has Never Existed In Any Waking Dream! This Magnificent Frequency Will Draw All Beings Into The Portal Of Entry Of The Divine Essence Of Sheen! This Frequency Covers The Earth In Perimeters Of Majesty As A Dimension Will Open The Boundaries To Receive All Life! Each Soul Has An Energy Portal That Will Open To A Massive Portal Of Light In Shimmering Vibrations!


Other Stars And Planets With Life Unseen To You, Are Gathering In Excited Momentum To Observe Methods And Changes That Will Allow You To Once Again Be Free! As All Races Understand The Great Care And Assistance Given By The Galactic Federation To The Inhabitants Of Earth!


Indeed, We Remind You That Earth Is Our Beloved Planet! We Speak Again The Sacred Name Given To Earth! KISHAPOLEE Or ā€˜Child Of Mineā€™.


Remember Your Light!

Anonymous ID: 7d07e2 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.19381614   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Pfizer whistleblower Karen Kingston, who published a video on August 6, 2023, stating that she had been put on a CIA assassination hit list, and asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to ask Dr. Robert Malone to tell the CIA to call it off, is still missing as of today, the day this article is being published. See:


Karen Kingstonā€™s family sent me the following email regarding Karen:


Subject: Karen Kingstonā€™s malaria


Date: August 14, 2023


From: Sue Skidmore


The following is a statement we released last night pertaining to my sister Karen Kingston. Additional details beneath the statement.


ā€œWe wish to thank everyone who has expressed concern about the health and safety of our daughter, sister, and mother Karen Kingston. Several weeks ago, Karen publicly shared that she was suffering from malaria. For information on the side effects of malaria, please visit Her behavior strongly indicates Karen needs to be seen immediately by a physician. Her son and mother are safe and sound. They are not missing. Our sole concern is for Karenā€™s health, safety, and return. The family requests that you stop speculating and politicizing on matters in which you are not fully informed and delete any personal speculation along those lines. With all due respect, you do not know what we know, are not entitled to what we know, and are interfering with our ability to resolve Karenā€™s immediate medical needs.ā€



Ron Kuchler On Behalf of the Kuchler Family


We wish to reemphasize the necessity for people to cease speculating about and politicizing Karenā€™s recent behavior. Our concern, as is all yours, is for the health and safety of Karen. We have not asked you to stop praying for Karen or expressing concern for Karen. We are extremely appreciative of the outpouring of support for Karen. We are simply requesting an end to the speculation and politicization of Karenā€™s statements. When we are able to provide an update on Karenā€™s health and safety we will do so.


Health Impact News will not be removing our article on Karen Kingston, however, because no ā€œspeculationā€ was made, nor needed, since the words came directly out of Karenā€™s mouth herself.

Anonymous ID: 7d07e2 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.19381660   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time, in these moments, these moments of change. Change that is happening in every moment, every moment moving forward.


You are moving along on your own time-line. There are many, many different time-lines at this point. You are on many of those times. But for the most part, you are beginning to diverge, diverge the timelines, where some will move along into the new Earth, the new ascended Earth.


And there are many that have chosen, yes they have chosen to not be on this time-line. To be on their own time-line of their creation. And the time-lines are indeed beginning to diverge. And once they have finally and completely diverged, you will not be associated with that old time-line anymore, the old time-line of the third-dimensional illusion. It will be eluding you in that point. For it will no longer be a part of your expression. And that is what you are here for. That is what you came here for, to be a part of the great diverging of these time-lines.


And if you think about it for a moment, go back ten years or so, and the idea of time-lines was only in your fiction, only in your movies, where they would begin to speak of those things, of time-lines. Such as in your ā€˜Back to the Futureā€™ movie, and other ones. That was your introduction to the idea of time-lines. But now it is becoming an every-day thought, or an every-day process. The idea that you are on a different time-line from all of those of the forces of darkness that are creating, that are attempting to keep you on their time-line.


But you are having none of that. And that is what you came here to do, to assist the entire population of this planet to move along onto the new time-line. The new time-line that is not, and I repeat, is not the biblical time-line that you have grown up to understand more, that those of the forces of darkness have attempted to hold you to; that time-line is no longer. You are on your own created time-line.


Those of you in the ascension process here on the planet, those of you, the collective you, and all of those that are here, those of us that are here, the Galactics that are here, your Ascended Masters that are assisting in this whole process, we are all moving you, helping you to move onto this new time-line of the new Earth, the new Earth that is being born, even at this moment now. And every moment moving forward, you are moving closer and closer to completely diverging the time-line. And once you have done that, those on the other time-line will be no longer in your existence, in your knowing. They will simply be memories, memories that you will not need to hold onto any longer in terms of programming.


The programming utilizing the Violet Flame, which you have been given as a tool, will assist you in purging out all of that old programming, all of those old thoughts. The old thoughts and programming that holds you to that third-dimensional illusion, holds you behind the veil. But the veil, my friends, is either gone, or is nearly gone. It is up to you as you continue to move on. Many of you are even beginning to see beyond the veil, beginning to see other things that are beyond the visible spectrum. You are seeing beyond that visible spectrum because you have awakened your third eye, your third eye that is a window into other worlds, other dimensions. And you are beginning to awaken that. Well, awaken it as an individual, and awaken it as a collective consciousness here on this planet.


So know, as you continue to move forward, be moving forward in every moment as much as you can. No longer focus on what has happened in the past. And donā€™t even keep your attention too much on what has happening in the future, even though we had to do this exercise to experience what is possible and probable in your future moving ahead.


It is most important for you to focus every moment now moving forward. Do not hold onto the old. Let go of the old, and embrace the new that is coming upon you as the New Dawn is beginning shine. Let that New Dawn come forward, for it is the New Dawn of the cew creation of all of you.