Anonymous ID: 855f21 Aug. 18, 2023, 2:09 a.m. No.19380900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0903 >>0919 >>0926 >>1361

Those of us who were here for the vast majority of live Q posting have a more complete understanding of the meaning, relevance and context of a given post, or series of posts.

So when newfags read posts (or single lines from a post) in isolation from each other potentially, but definitely isolated from the real time context, conversation, and more often than not correction or confirmation, they can't help but lack a complete understanding. This does not discourage them from voicing their opinion however, nor should it.

If you were there when it happened, these are easy to spot. I can identify with the fictional character luke skywalker at times, "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong". I know because I was there, I was digging and part of the conversation when it happened.

Now add 2000 years. If interpretations can be so inaccurate ~5 years after the fact. Imagine the compounding inaccuracies of interpretations of interpretations of interpretations after 2000 years.

Compare and Contrast.