Anonymous ID: 8ed9b5 Aug. 18, 2023, 4:06 a.m. No.19381198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1274

Ghyz… Anon just had a rather autist conception regarding the 'net zero carbon emissions' bollocks wording… it's never really felt organic in the way its used, usual WEF/UN tripe slogans, but repeated to death.


Was reading link below from previous bake and light bulb flickered, what if it doesn't relate at all to climate, and actually a euphemism for the real plan, depopulation via birth control to reduce numbers slowly by the target date achieve an inability for humans to procreate (likely the jab project and all chems doing the same). Take it purely by direct meaning of emission, and the fact human anons are largely carbon.


'Net zero' then takes on a whole new concept in this meaning, using climate hoax as a cover. No population growth, the opposite. Has decades++ of ramifications.



[ ih-mish-uhn ]


See synonyms for: emission emissions on


an act or instance of emitting:

1 the emission of poisonous fumes.

2 something that is emitted; discharge; emanation.

3 an act or instance of issuing, as paper money.

4 Electronics. a measure of the number of electrons emitted by the heated filament or cathode of a vacuum tube.


5 an ejection or discharge of semen or other fluid from the body.


6 the fluid ejected or discharged.



Greenpeace co-founder: Achieving ‘net zero’ emissions means ‘at least 50% of the population would die’


Patrick Moore helped co-found Greenpeace in 1971. He is now warning that 'net zero' is 'truly a death wish in disguise'