Anonymous ID: f35ea4 Aug. 18, 2023, 2:48 a.m. No.19380979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0986



How about yall stop whining about voluntary taxes and grow a spine? The country has gone to hell because every one of you subservient fucks bends over and takes it every day because the gubment said so; and then you come back asking for more the next day. Wake the fuck up!


Consumers don’t want to risk losing their perpetual consumption of worthless goods. Quit your job.

Ignore all bills.

Hoard your cash.

Fuck taxes. (Why you think they got guns now)

Collect welfare.

Feed your family.

Enjoy ALL your time.

Watch their whole fraudulent corrupt system burn down on their dime.

Done in 30 days. Max.

A violence free revolution.


Running out of growing season, what are you waiting for? Let me guess, some authority or group to tell you?

