The Union Jack hanging in the background is a nice symbolic touch.
America pretty much shut down Civil Defense in the 90s. If there was an air raid siren, if, where is your nearest air raid shelter? I'll give you a minute to think about it. They used to be all over town. In the basement of schools, government buildings and such. Stocked with food and water and other necessaries in green metal barrels. There was a sign on the outside of the building. When was the last time you saw a Civil Defence sign on a building?
Does that cat know Rad Abrams?
Isn't the definition of a lawyer, a professional you must hire to protect yourself from other professionals of the same profession?
You vill own nuthinks und you vill be happy.
Normally i offer helpful advice on how to avoid dropdown bullshit in screenshots, but Musk deserves that bit of irony, so i'll let it go this time.
A Higher Loyalty?
What's in the satchel, John, and WHO do you really work for?
Motive and Opportunity?
The cancer of Toronto has metastasized to the other provinces. It won't be long before the patient succumbs. Let us pray.