Perhaps the Queen really IS sick. Perhaps the chef did not cook the little infant long enough. Nothing's more dangerous than human flesh tar tar….
They're doing a big push on Craigslist to STOP TRUMP in Minneapolisstan, Minnesotastan, too.
Motherfuckers better not threaten any patriots with imminent death or great bodily injury…..
Might be good if patriots with time could join the STOP TRUMP movement in order to gather Intel and subvert the mission. As a bonus they'd get paid by fucking Soros….
^^^ THIS ^^^
Possibly NOTABLE because this links to some excellent advice on how we good patriots can legally infiltrate and subvert the various Soros-funded libtard groups that are attempting to STOP TRUMP.
I'm particularly concerned that these loony, lefty, libtard assholes may be plotting to inflict physical harm on our side.