Q you friggin LARPer stop it
Reread those crumbs for the 500th time sweetie
Kek you guys are no better than cnn or msnbc watchers, bigly
Hey Bud you made the mistake of coming to qresearch and thinking that you'll find critical thinkers here. These people are brainwashed and will follow Q and Trump all the way to the slaughterhouse. They don't even know the shape of what they live on!
Q is a psyop friendo if you honestly believe elections are real at this point then you're too far gone. If Trump was real he would've been taken out by now sorry. They're not gonna let their 500 year empire crumble this easily.
Kek this guy gets it
Amigo, elections are FAKE. Look at how divided the country has been since Trump was elected. All he's done is push both sides further to the left and right. As terrible as Obama was at least he didn't split the country in half and make everybody pissed at each other. If you want to keep believing that Q is real that's fine but the truth will be revealed to you in a year when nothing has changed and he's still promising big news to come "soon".