Those are the mid terms.
Organizing online and in closed door meetings to make tribal noises in the streets isn't preparedness.
Let them. Won't help in the ballot box. That's my point. It'll be a pain in the ass and it will certainly enrage us but we won't be the only ones enraged and/or put off by their uncivilized behavior. The issue will be ultimately civilly resolved in the mid terms.
I do think theres a lot more than 6percent of these idiots but its not fucking 50 percent and thats what it still takes in America. It will be annoying and perhaps dangerous for a bit…but it will pass when they lose
O yea then it'll get to the point of madness…100percent agree with that. Although with more MAGA mfers in congress we should expect/demand a firm assertion of law and order. All about the mid terms!