Anonymous ID: 106558 Aug. 18, 2023, 4:59 p.m. No.19384911   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5341

That story is crazy


United States Marines in Maui have seen firsthand atrocities committed by the Deep State—bloated, bullet-riddled bodies floating facedown in a crimson tide; Hawaii National Guardsmen rummaging through the pockets of dead islanders and tourists; FEMA and the Red Cross forbidding citizens access to nearby food, water, and shelter.


On Front Street in Lahaina, a uniformed police officer shoots a pedestrian in the back for unknown reasons. The cop then spots a bystander filming the incident on a cellphone, and shoots him, too.


A bullet strikes his cranium as he digs into a dead man’s pockets and tries to yank a wedding band off a lifeless, swollen finger. He touches his hand to his forehead and glances at his bloodstained fingers in disbelief. He slumps over, his pistol falling from his other hand.


He was the fifth Deep State cop Marines had killed since arriving in Maui late Wednesday afternoon.


As reported yesterday, General Eric M. Smith at Camp Pendleton ordered Marines to Maui to investigate claims that the Hawaii National Guard and FEMA were terrorizing disaster victims. A source in the general’s office told Real Raw News that Marines arrived in Maui at 4:00 p.m. and immediately witnessed and responded to unimaginable carnage. He called the death toll “catastrophic.” He would not quantify how many Marines went to Maui, but his gloomy tone suggested that Deep State forces outnumbered White Hats significantly. Backup, he said, was on the way.


“We really didn’t expect local law enforcement to fight alongside the feds and the National Guard,” he said. “What Marines saw is nothing short of engineered genocide.”


Near the Lahaina loading dock, Marines found a makeshift mass gravesite, 15 scorched corpses piled atop one another in an industrial dumpster. The fire had not killed them, our source said. Instead, someone had used a flamethrower to burn them, then deposited the corpses in the trash.


“We’re certain of this because they were shot first,” our source said. “No doubt the media will end up saying fire killed them. They were murdered, and yes, children too.”


After dark, Marines happened upon a FEMA/National Guard encampment where agents and Guardsmen were divvying up ill-gotten loot undoubtedly pilfered from the victims’ bodies. The criminals sat in collapsible mesh chairs illuminated beneath standing LED lamps, arguing over who would get which stolen items. The dispute ended abruptly as Marines opened fire and killed the six Deep State villains.

