Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:01 p.m. No.19384919   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4947 >>4988 >>5055 >>5086 >>5194 >>5310 >>5325 >>5339 >>5364 >>5445 >>5514

Richard Grenell


.@Hearst is at it again.


Now it’s the Editor of Women’s Health Magazine who has the Democrat First Lady on the cover but refused to put the Republican First Lady on the cover. @Hearst and @lizplosser should face a total boycott from Republicans.


Make Hearst magazines the next Bud Light.


7:25 PM · Aug 18, 2023·11.6K Views

Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:05 p.m. No.19384949   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4994

Authorities Withholding of Nashville Shooter Manifesto Raises Constitutional Concerns: Expert


Five months after seizing the writings of Nashville, Tennessee, Christian school shooter Audrey Hale, authorities continue to withhold the alleged manifesto, raising both legal and free speech issues centering on the public’s right to information.


“It looks like a violation of law and it is problematic on many levels, including some important First Amendment concerns,” Deborah Fisher, executive director of the Tennessee Coalition for Open Government, told the Epoch Times.


In the shooting, Ms. Hale, a female-to-male transgender who chose to identify as a man, killed three 9-year-old children and three adults who worked at the Covenant School on the morning of March 27. Officers shot and killed Hale, a former student at the school, minutes after Covenant officials called 911.


In the subsequent search of Ms. Hale’s vehicle and home the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) claim to have discovered voluminous writings, including diaries and drawings. In a statement, the MNPD said that Hale “documented, in journals, her planning over a period of months to commit mass murder at The Covenant School.”


Ms. Hale had inferred in an Instagram message to a friend just before the shooting that she had left the material intentionally to reveal her motive in the killings, writing, “One day this will make more sense. I’ve left more than enough evidence behind.”


Police seized the materials, which included seven journals found under her bed, eleven home videos discovered under the family's basement stairs, along with two more journals and a suicide note left in her desk, according to a search warrant released by the MNPD.


In past mass shootings where the perpetrator has been caught or killed, the government has typically released writings and related evidence within two or three days of the incident. However, contents of the seized Nashville shooter’s writings have not been released to the public, even in redacted form.


Authorities appear to be withholding the documents by attempting to establish a new precedent as to what constitutes an active investigation, according to a legal expert. …

Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:10 p.m. No.19384971   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4985 >>5055 >>5086 >>5310 >>5445 >>5514

June 4, 2023

Families are flooding US border following Title 42’s end — because Biden’s rules don’t apply to them


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico — “Mission Accomplished” is how President Biden, his top deputies and media lackeys are characterizing the “tough” new border management plan that on May 12 replaced the pandemic-control Title-42 rapid expulsion measure.


Administration officials boasted — and legacy media trilled — that, thanks to tough-as-nails sanctions they’d apply to all illegal crossers, a massive, expected border surge never materialized and crossings plunged.


But like President George W. Bush’s infamous May 2003 “Mission Accomplished” speech about the Iraq invasion, Biden’s border success claim is proving premature.


Parents in Mexico have discovered that administration threats of “expedited removals” for illegal crossings, five-year bans on legal reentry and prosecution do not apply to them.


Nothing does.


The runway into America is clear and open, just like always, to any parent with a kid. …

Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:12 p.m. No.19384985   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5055 >>5086 >>5310 >>5445 >>5514

Stephen Miller reposted

Todd Bensman

In early June, I was first to report that Bidengov was admitting family groups illegally crossing the US-Mexico border, rather than punishing and deporting as vowed. New July numbers show how big: 61,000, double last month and by far the biggest month all calendar year. Here's my June @nypost story on what's going on:


>Families are flooding US border following Title 42’s end — because Biden’s rules don’t apply to them


5:42 PM · Aug 18, 2023

Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:48 p.m. No.19385202   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Exposing the Dark Truth Behind Queer Theory: Darlene Sanchez


Some commentators recently have made the assertion that the “+” in the LGBTQ+ might be a stand-in for “P”—as in pedophilia. However, it turns out you don’t have to go past the “Q” in the acronym to get to pedophilia and other deviant sexual practices. The “Q” obviously stands for “queer” and is connected to queer theory.

This theory and philosophy dates back more formally to the 1970s, but origins and examples can be found even earlier in men like Allen Ginsberg and NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Today, it has become more and more pervasive in our culture, though largely unnoticed because of the attention paid to the trans movement. Queer theory and gender ideology have become prevalent in school sex-ed programs throughout the country.

Given all of this, is it only a matter of time before there are more and more overt pushes to normalize and legalize not only pedophilia, but bestiality and incest? Here to discuss with us is Epoch Times journalist Darlene McCormick Sanchez, who recently authored the article “The Sinister Theory Behind the Q in LGBTQ.”

Anonymous ID: 549076 Aug. 18, 2023, 5:50 p.m. No.19385218   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5237

Stephen Miller reposted recently

Mark R. Levin

The seriousness of what is being done to Donald Trump by local and federal Democrat prosecutors cannot be overstated. It is alarming. It is shocking. And this republic is teetering. Trump will have to defend himself against bogus criminal charges in Manhattan, bogus civil charges in Albany, bogus criminal charges in the "documents" case, bogus criminal charges in the Jan. 6 matter, and most likely the shoe will soon drop in Atlanta. All the while, he is running for re-election as president. It is extremely difficult to fight all these prosecutors, and fight for your freedom, and run for president at the same time. And these prosecutors know it. They are also involved in something that has only two prior times in our history – that is, a concerted effort to knowingly and actively interfere in a presidential election. The two prior times were also against Trump (the Durham Report provides overwhelming details of this effort in the 2016 campaign).


And let's be clear, the DOJ and FBI have demonstrated in the recent past that they will use illegal means to try to take out Trump the Hillary Clinton/Democrat Party/FBI/DOJ orchestrated "Russia Collusion" scam that lasted years and they are doing the same thing now, but on a unimaginable scale. There have been no substantive reforms at the FBI. Chris Wray's testimony last week made that abundantly clear, given all the abuses and corruption that have occurred while he has been FBI director.


Merrick Garland and his extremely radical top-level staff are unquestionably involved in all these decisions. As for Jack Smith, chosen by Garland to go after Trump, he is no "special counsel." He physically looks like what he is – a maniacal, seek-and-destroy hatchet man who has a long record of abusing and targeting individuals who have no chance of escaping his fascistic, Beria-like tactics. He destroyed a former Virginia governor, even though that conviction was unanimously overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. He destroyed what was left of John Edwards's career, with a series of felony charges that were rejected by the trial jury. As head of the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section, he authorized the unconstitutional IRS attack on the Tea Party, which was intended to cripple that movement. Later, DOJ paid several millions of dollars to settle complaints against it. And there's more. Obviously, Garland found all of this to be a resume enhancement when he chose Smith to target Trump. Yet, because Smith triggers these criminal investigations, he creates his own immunity from congressional oversight, where the rogue prosecutor asserts that he can ignore any questions from Congress because he is in the middle of prosecutions of his own making. This, despite that fact that his actions have thrown the election and the nation into turmoil.


And, of course, the Democrat Party media is ecstatic today. They crave the unraveling of our country, regurgitate whatever the Biden regime feeds them via DOJ and the FBI (as they did when the Obama regime was in charge), they use so-called experts to provide opinions on Trump's fate who almost always are carefully chosen Trump-haters and NeverTrumpers, or Democrat-aligned lawyers to give "legal analysis," aka propaganda.


The Biden regime, the Democrat Party and their prosecutors, and the Democrat Party media understand that this next election may well be the make-or-break election of our time, or all time, for our country. Four more years on top of the remaining two years of this American-Marxist revolution (Bernie Sanders is thrilled with the direction of the country and, of course, early on endorsed Biden for re-election, as has AOC) could well mean that there is no way to claw out of the abyss. The "fundamental transformation of America" they are constantly talking about will have been enshrined, with more to come. The Democrat Party and its surrogates are playing for keeps – a one-party, state-party that monopolizes elections, the government, and the culture, with no effective competition, supported by the state-media, which is largely made up of Democrat Party members or personnel aligned with the Democrat Party agenda. This is tyranny. This is autocracy. And it is looking you directly in the eye.


11:21 AM · Jul 18, 2023·1.4M Views