National redhead appreciation day is September 23rd. The Jews consider the Irish red heads the seed of the white race. Goy means cow in Hebrew. The synagogue of Satan is building the 3rd temple in Israel so Satan can sit on his throne. They must first sacrifice a Red Heifer, which symbolizes the white race, the red hair Irish Goy, because they are deemed to be their only resistance to a NWO. 911 was the beginning of the war and why Cantor Fitzgerald was targeted as a message and Twin Towers were replace by a building in the shape of Jewish Equilibriated Star as another direct message. The Irish have to know their place in finance was their motto. Finance buys politicians, which buys influence, which creates power, and gives huge financial returms.
These are all facts, and when the Georgia Guidestones were smashed by God's hand, it destroyed the Noahide laws, which was a message to the Jews,,, mene mene tekel upharsin