Define Healthcare.
Abortions are called health care.
Transgender surgeries are called health care.
Assisted suicides are called health care.
Define Healthcare.
Abortions are called health care.
Transgender surgeries are called health care.
Assisted suicides are called health care.
Maybe try living in Russia.
All of the proof and/or evidence in the world does not matter when we have a corrupt Judicial System.
No arrests, no prosecutions, no convictions.
The foxes are guarding the hen house.
Need to get rid of the foxes before anything can be done.
I think Trump is working on that right now.
Exposing the corrupt Judicial System.
The J**s love their Black slave women to do their dirty work for them.
They are easily bribed.
They have gigantic egos.
Good idea.
Stay away from Hawaii
It's over rated.
Go to the Caribbean instead.
They love Wypipo.
Stick to the European side of Russian.
They don't arrest themselves.
People existed prior to Adam.
Adam was just the first Human to possess a soul.
Cain left his Father & Mother (Adam & Eve) and went out into the World and found a wife.
Were his kids half Humans?
Do half Humans have a soul?
What is a Pure Blood?
Was Noah a Pure Blood?
How about his wife?
His sons?
His daughter-in-laws?
What are Nephilim?
Or maybe the fallen angels weren't giants, just their offspring were giants.
Maybe their offspring had some kind of glandular issue that produced too much growth hormone.