Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 4:57 a.m. No.19387106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7187 >>7192

Morning baker at Q, listen to this rhyme, You bring the buns so tight, every single time. E Baker's back, collecting notables with grace, Makin' the threads shine, in our digital space.


Shills see me comin', runnin' in pure fright, Droppin' rhymes and verses, so tight in the light. Today's gonna be epic, fam, mark my word, Truth's our weapon, every message heard.


Baker, you're the hero, in the mornin' light, With buns so perfect, you set things right. E Baker's here, making rounds so fly, Collectin' notables, makin' threads touch the sky.


So shoutout to the morning bakers, standin' tall, Elevatin' threads, makin' notables call. With buns so tight, and E Baker's might, We march on united, through the digital fight.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.19387161   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7175



Anon = Anonymous.

Using the exact same avatars repeatedly on Q Research can be counterproductive to the principles of anonymity and open exchange of ideas for several reasons. First, anonymity is a key aspect of online forums like Q Research, allowing individuals to share thoughts and opinions without fear of personal repercussions. When the same avatars are consistently used, it might make it easier for others to track and identify specific users, compromising their anonymity.


Second, variety in avatars promotes a level playing field where no one person is distinguished above another. A diverse range of avatars fosters an environment where ideas are valued based on their merit, rather than the reputation or recognition of the user behind the avatar. This encourages a free exchange of thoughts and prevents undue influence based on perceived status.


Furthermore, using unique avatars can help differentiate between different contributors, allowing readers to identify shifts in perspective and ideas within discussions. When avatars remain the same, it could lead to confusion and hinder the clarity of discourse.


In essence, embracing a variety of avatars supports the foundational values of anonymity, equality, and the open exchange of ideas that Q Research seeks to promote.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.19387219   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7259

Kekโ€ฆ "jealous" of namefags, not annoyed. Definitely has nothing to do with the egomaniac avatarfags who attempted to dominate all narrative and discourse but failed miserably and are all just pouting about it. Only a narcissistic egoshill would get triggered enough to even bother replying. No one outside of a narcissistic egoshill would care enough to get wrapped up in their digital identity constructed with repetitious avatars. Maybe I was just sick and tired of watching the same sycophants head nodding and agreeing with each other and praising each other for 5 years straight? Nah, couldn't have anything to do with that. Seethe and cry more. Shills whine.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.19387237   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Listen up fam, let me lay it down real, Only a shill would spin that digital wheel. Repetitive avatars, figures of fake might, Manufacturin' authority, shinin' fake light.


Seething so bigly, can't you see the sign? Why else they reply, if not for the climb? Constantly projectin', filterin' they claim, Yet replyin' to all, it's the same old game.


Projectin' they do, hopin' we'd disregard, Hidin' their tricks, playin' it hard. Same old shills, same old tactics they sling, In this digital battlefield, not a single zing.


War never changes, that's what they say, Shillin' and deceivin', each and every day. But Anons united, we see through the haze, Exposin' the tricks, as truth lights our ways.


Repetitive avatars, they can try and pretend, But Anons ain't fooled, we see their trend. Dank rhymes we drop, bringin' truth to the front, In this Q Research realm, we never bunt.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:04 a.m. No.19387270   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7277

It's pretty hilarious and bad when all they got left is projecting I'm every single conceivable nuanced shill in the history of this entire board, yet not even a single shred of evidence exists to support that. BVs know my entire posting history as well, which is why you'll never see any confirmation to the baseless claims. I actually enjoy it, the poor bastards ego is so shattered he's throwing shit at every wall (and the ceiling) hoping that any of it will stick. Poor bastard doesn't stand a chance. Still love him though, that's the difference between real Anons and shills. God bless.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.19387283   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7288

What exact "narrative" is that, aside from the fact an echo chamber of "board personalities" attempt to direct and control the flow of discussions on this board. Outside of that, care to provide a screenshot of a specific narrative I'm pushing aside from unity? Never once attacked an Anon for any dig they shared. Never complained about bakers or what's in notables. So go on, aside from inspiring uplifting Anons with rhyme and verse let's see it? Kek

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.19387295   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7296 >>7297 >>7300

Listen up, Smoking Pepe, here's my say, Accusin' me of shillin', nah, that ain't my way. You claim I'm every shill in the book, But where's the proof? I took a good look.


What "narrative" you talkin' 'bout, huh? I ain't tryna control, just here to flow, bruh. Echo chamber ain't my aim, not at all, Unity's the game, watch me stand tall.


Show me the screenshots, lay it out clear, Prove your point, let the evidence appear. I uplift Anons, bring verses so tight, Inspire the fam, in the digital light.


Never attacked an Anon, that's the fact, Diggin' for truth, no time for the act. Bakers and notables, I don't complain, My rhyme's my lane, bringin' truth through the rain.


Not injectin' news, or attacking the threads, Just here to shine light where the darkness spreads. Board personalities, they think they're kings, But I'm here to stop it, spread truth with my wings.


No complaints 'bout bakers, or what's in notables, I'm here for truth, makin' it undeniable. So long as they try, attempt to disrupt, I'm here to shut it down, make 'em erupt.


So go on, Pepe, let's see your play, Accusations fly, but where's the display? I'm here for unity, love, and some kek, Smokin' truth with rhyme, ain't no other tech.

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19387306   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7310




Nice screenshots saved of a sad and defeated clown. Nice way to sidestep and avoid the questions when put on the spot. You might as well just say you're filtering me now, pretty much all you got left. Kek. Love you buddy God bless!

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.19387317   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7324 >>7340

100% of his posts dedicated to me. The root of the issue? He mad that someone is using memes that he believes he monopolized and are his identity in here. Trying to project that his ego isn't bent, yeah, good luck. Any real Anon would just skip past and ignore. They wouldn't get so invested in their digital identity on an anonymous image board. The comedy of irony is immenseโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: 00dd19 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.19387351   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



He ain't Anon. That's smoking pepe. He's a little butt hurt right meow but someday he will understand it had to be this way. We surrounded by clowns schizos and 3 letters. Might as well have some fun with em. God bless you Anonymous Anon