Anonymous ID: 1f14af Aug. 19, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19387420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7424 >>7445 >>7496




In fact, H.W. Bush received an Honorary Degree from Harvard.

CALL TO DIGG INTO HARVARD'S HONORARY DEGREESbecause it seems that everyone who receives one is part of THE CLUB, kinda like how all of Obongo's Medals of Freedom seem to have been strung around the necks of his Epstein Island friends.


Perhaps Obongo was on to something, when he draped cords (with the fake Medals of medal hanging from a cord around those pedophiliac demons' necks.

Anonymous ID: 1f14af Aug. 19, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19387496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7534 >>7604 >>7724








Yes, Anon, I do realize that the Dangling Carrot Drops of mysterious habbenings coming up have worn out their intrigue and that the constant "insider" knowledge crap causes moar animosity than generates unity.


From your poasts, I can tell you're a good guy and want this moving forward just as quickly as I do, so rest assured that this is legit, people need to watch Massachusetts, and that there really is a need to digg into Harvard and its little "Honorary Degree" program.


Harvard seems to be Clown Central and a money laundering pit, and they've been caught up in something very bad.


Things are habbening as quickly as possible, legally, so that we finish these scumbags off.


In the meantime some digging would be useful, so that's why I dropped this. If that's too frustrating for you then you really should probably go outside for the day or volunteer somewhere in your local community.