Anonymous ID: 30ff1d Aug. 19, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.19387247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7249 >>7261 >>7475




>Lahaina, Hawaii


MEDIA BLACKOUT is taking place as police close off 12 mile range around the city.


The first reported 60 deaths and now 100 deaths are false numbers and over 1000 to 2000 is more accurate according to local reports and citizens who have seen the bodies and missing people.


There are several major reasons the police CLOSED OFF THE MEDIA //// >the police are controlled by the government who are controlled by the ELITES INSIDE the democrat run state who are running with CIA operations and UN ( DAVOS ) DS OPS


Part of the MEDIA BLACKOUT had to do with hundreds of people who died inside smart cars that exploded like bombs .






_The day the attacks happened, Lahaina was sprayed with a low layering of chemtrail ( Aluminum & Barium nano particles that can exploded with strong 5G directed radiation microwaves or direct energy weapons or transformer explosions that act as electrical bombs)


The [ ds] operations ordered ;

_Police to close down roads and barricade and block in the people trying to escape

_The water was intensionally shut off by Kaleo Manuel the water official who was placed by Obama( CIA), kaleo was ordered not release water.

_Warning sirens to be turned off through the city and island

_The Elites off the island were Warned in advanced and left the city


Just two weeks before the fire, the Deep State democratic government was in talks with WEF. People from the gates foundation to create an agreement to build 15 minute smart cities./ ….. For over 12 years the natives of the island would not sell their land and estate to the UN. World Elites who wanted to buy land in Lahaina. It's known in the world Lahaina Hawaii is the second most expensive real estate in the world next to London areas. Bill gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, The UN. Bilderbergers and hundreds of world billionaires including BLACKROCK , VANGUARD all tried to buy huge portions of Lahaina but were denied by the Lahaina citizens….. NOW COINCIDENTALLY < Bill Gates is already in talks to build high rises and Oprah Winfrey will donate billions with her investors and Zuckerberg has already deployed his team to start buying the burnt houses and land from unsuspecting Lahaina victims.


All donations to help Lahaina community have been blocked by social media Giants and networks…. Tulsi Gabbard announced she personally visited Lahaina and there is no help and no red cross or government aid happening. ( The Deep state want all donations stopped immediately even before it begins , because cia blackrock ect. Etc.ect etc. Elites area worried a world out reach of donations would rebuild Lahaina with out deep state control and their efforts to LAND GRAB Lahaina.. And donations would hinder their plans)

_The police were ordered to close off a 12 milie perimeter around the city and complete MEDIA BLACKOUT



(the evil is much darker than people can imagine)…. The NANO tech inside the COVID 19 vaccines/ boosters that carry aluminum and barium EXPLODED in peoples bodies and brains {>>much like putting aluminum foil or fork inside a microwave and seeing the sparks and explosion) ….. This awful deep state beta test on a massive scale was to see the FULL effects of 5g. / Electric bombs - transformers exploding like lighting bolts / energy directed weapons/ > that all activited

The aluminum and barium nanotechnology in peoples bodies.

_The explosions of smart cars on a massive level was a beta test too and see if smart cars would be used as bombs in other cities.

(** it should be noted!!!!! Putin shut off all his 5G TOWERS and destroyed them just a week before the Lahaina attack< …. and there are Whistleblower in Congress coming forward in 2024 against 5g military weapon , … There is already whistle blowers from major universities exposing 5g and being used as a small direct energy weapon or can be used as a massive weapon through cities)

Anonymous ID: 30ff1d Aug. 19, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19387249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7475




The Lahaina fires only happened in the industrial area, the place where the working class and poorer people lived and where the local natives refused to sell their land.

The magical fire did not burn down the ELITE AREA AND HOMES.

_cars melted to the ground and several building made of steel melted….. This is not possible because the fire is not hot enough to melt metal …. ( Energy directed weapons hit several buildings and turned steel to dust)

_in some places cars were melted and sat next to palm trees that weren't even burnt or scorched by fire

_ The deviation of deaths is far more than msm is reporting.

_UN is already in the works of building a UN base nearby with full highrise and hotels.


With over hundreds of human trafficking cases investigated by the local and state department. >Not one case was prosecuted.

The Obama regimen/ cia installed a network of democrats leaders office holders that intensionally over looked pedophilia rings and human trafficking network through the islands.


Behind The SCENES>Military operations were closing in on Lahaina and human trafficking network. Hawaii is the base between Australia. Taiwan. China. And California.

The MASSIVE human/child trafficking line through the second most expensive real estate in the world is connected Lahaina,

Oprah. EPSTEINZuckerberg. Cia UN. ELITES.


THE MULTIPLE ATTACK ON LAHAINA was to test weapons on humans, Test smart car explosions on mass scale .Destroy the city to aquire in a land grab. To destroy the underground tunnels and base trafficking humans ( hide their own tunnels and destroy). To kill several people who were going to expose Pedophilia ring in Lahaina CONNECTED to world system and Oprah.cia operations.


The news is fake The war is real.


We must keep fighting even in these hard times to bring the truth of what's happening


Right now the DEEP STATE is in Major Panic

As Ukraine war has failed . Africa is letting go of the U.S.[ ds] fiat dollar… The military industrial complex system is running out of money. … There is major Confusion and fear inside the world cabal [ ds] as cia. Mi6 Mossad KAZARIAN MAFIA had been exposed and BLACKROCK is in collapse ( but [they] ALL LIE and try to portray a winning narration)//'//'//// the truth is they are fighting for their lives and the military operations are getting closer to arrest wars and military intervention of FULL exposure of world corruption connected to cia. ROCKEFELLERS. Rothschilds.msm big tech. Big pharma. Big banks………. Recently

RFKJR just CONFIRMED cia . Blackrock. Vanguard etc ect. Elites are running the world and wars and he exposed the cia projects connected to fauci creating the virus… This is major because RFKJR is running for the President of the United States And his word is backed fully by evidence and high ranking officials in the government. Military and White hats Elite forces.


Stay strong Hawaii… And world Patriots as we are inside a massive STORM where the deep state is using their final cards…. They are fighting for their lives that leads to Future military tribunals ….. You should know by now why Trump reinstated certain death penalties and going after human/child trafficking… Because this crime will EXPLOSE the world wide cabal[ ds] network connected to the virus. World wars runned by cia . military industrial complex….


Stay strong Patriots.


TRUMP is giving you COMMS inside the STORM and operations that are currently happening. And WILL happen.




The plan to save the world