Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.19387122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Illumination Trips.


My hopium was way off. Thought the whole "Plan" for the Covid Crap, was that it was the PERFECT STORM to "Kill Off" Bad Actors from the stage, and let them silently retire at GITMO, with Gen Pop, none the wiser.



Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:27 a.m. No.19387173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7245 >>7475

Tone def Elitists. blah, blahing about how the Peasants live. Kind of funny actually. No Clue. Rich People are SO Out of Touch with how normal people actually live. Seems they have gotten caught up in their own delusions of fake superiority. Red Shoe Club. Fuckemall.


Bill Maher says he doesn't see the USA 'falling apart' with angry, unhappy people when he rides around town — but Marianne Williamson quickly popped his Beverly Hills bubble. Who's right?


For instance, when Maher suggested that Obamacare “is getting very close to Medicare for all,” Williamson clapped back: “It’s not Medicare for all. We still have 85 million Americans who are underinsured or uninsured. You have to be really … buffered emotionally if you think 85 million people don’t matter.”


In response, Maher said he’s “not the strong man” that ignores the plight of 85 million people. He said that when he “rides around” town — he lives in Beverly Hills — he doesn’t see a country that’s “falling apart.”


“A lot of people are just living their best lives. And they’re not all f—ing rich. It’s not all the top 20%,” he said.


But does the longtime political commentator live in more of a bubble than he realizes?


Maher is not totally blind to the “horrible problems” hurting U.S. society. He agreed with Williamson that there’s a sizable “under-class” of people suffering in poverty and said “it’s a scandal that we can’t seem to address.”


But from a big picture perspective, he said: “I just don’t see a country where the people are just seething and unhappy when I’m out. And that has to count for something.”


Williamson responded: “You know where I was last night? I was speaking to teenagers on Skid Row."


“Do you know how many people are homeless in Los Angeles county on any given night? 78,000,” the presidential candidate added. “You say you drive around, but where do you drive around? You don’t drive too many miles.”


“Of course, why would I go to Skid Row?” a baffled Maher replied.


Several YouTube comments made similar assessments — not in Maher’s favor. One person wrote: “Bill is really floating further & further away in his bubble from the people he once spoke for.”


The reality is that 37.9 million Americans are living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent data — which only goes up to January 2021. Today, that number could be considerably higher after the fallout of the pandemic, soaring inflation, 11 interest rate hikes and changes in the labor market.


Even “middle-income” Americans with a stable income are struggling to cope with the impacts of inflation and high interest ratesIf you’re in the majority feeling the pinch and living paycheck-to-paycheck, here are some steps you can take to feel more financially secure and get more out of your income.



Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 5:53 a.m. No.19387242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If Lindell has some tech, that can actually DO that, then muh suspicions are now raised about his character.

Only DS Puppets are granted access, to use Tech like that, which was probably created by DARPA et al and given to him.

Just like everything else where ONE guy, seems to Profit, off of everyone else.

Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:44 a.m. No.19387381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7496


>These people are stupid.

You do realize, the Dangling Carrot Drops of mysterious habbenings coming up, have worn out their intrigue. This constant 'insider" knowledge crap, causes moar animosity than generates unity.

Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 6:49 a.m. No.19387398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7475


>Fani Willis

If you know CA, you know Inglewood. Nuff Said. She's a thug.


Willis was born in Inglewood, California.Her father was a member of the Black Panthersand a criminal defense attorney.[5] When Willis was in the first grade, her family moved to Washington, D.C. Her parents divorced, and her mother eventually moved back to California. Willis mostly stayed with her father.[1] Willis studied political science at Howard University, graduating cum laude in 1993, then moved to Atlanta[1] to attend Emory University School of Law, graduating in 1996 with a Juris Doctor.[4]


She spent 16 years as a prosecutor in the Fulton County district attorney's office. Her most prominent case was her prosecution of the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal. Willis, an assistant district attorney at the time, served as lead prosecutor in the 2014 to 2015 trial of twelve educators accused of correcting answers entered by students to inflate the scores of state administered standardized tests. Eleven of the twelve were convicted of racketeering under Georgia's RICO statute in April 2015.[6]


In 2018, she went into private practice.[7] That year, she ran for a seat on the Fulton County Superior Court, and lost.[8] In 2019, Willis became chief municipal judge for South Fulton, Georgia.[5]

Anonymous ID: 67dc17 Aug. 19, 2023, 7:52 a.m. No.19387724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>In the meantime some digging would be useful, so that's why I dropped this. If that's too frustrating for you then you really should probably go outside


Thanks for the suggestion. No, I am not Frustrated at the digging, I'm TIRED of the Digging. It does nothing in reality, other than make anon's feel like they're doing something useful. when it seems the reality is that it's just a time placating activity, until the clock ticks down to the fateful day they chose to end this shit show It's their plan. It's their timeframe. Our job, (in the beginning) was to dig and spread info. Then, Q said Proofs weren't needed. Red Pilling wasn't needed. We had reached enough people. Now, it's just a babysitting activity. It makes us feel that we're somehow in the know. (Just like your post alluded to knowing moar than others)


I dug. Dug like crazy. Found the Moderna/mRNA/DARPA/GATES shit right when Covid hit. That info didn't help anyone. It actually got memory holed, and only now, others are posting it like they just came up with it themselves.


I hope you find the info you need.

They're a Masonic Institution. Don't care beyond that, who or whatever else. Evil does evil, and they're the Enemy.