Anonymous ID: c2b3cf Aug. 19, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.19387470   🗄️.is 🔗kun

alright anons


coffee is kicking in so i am just freehanding this (gotta get it out)


went on a journey last night and came back in with some diamonds. We have been given the tools to do this by q. I can see it and am getting better at it and will share it all here. take it or leave it.


Dope-amine is our blocker. started with the egyptians, they started building the matrix, hence the burial styles (caskets, sarcofugus, tombs, etc) they wanted to reincarnate back in to their wealth. some did, some bloodlines did. but it created a block up the spiral. Im pretty sure what that means is the dope-amine blocks the ascension up the ladder. We need to focus on Seratonin to improve our species, survival. Seratonin is said to be the joy we experience in something beautiful or creation. (thats how all that amazing architecture and paintings in italy were created) pure joy. Somehow we have to get back to that. Maybe that is the true awakening. or the final stage of it.


have lots moar, pole shift, crystals, etc…will pull from notes.



Anonymous ID: c2b3cf Aug. 19, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19387489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


was there, patriot party, easy over 1mm in attendance. Easy to spot bad actors in groups.


message to [them] was we the people will show up if needed.