Anonymous ID: 2f68e8 Aug. 19, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.19388140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8161 >>8173 >>8183 >>8191 >>8194

The national guard has already moved into Las Vegas in advance of this impossible hurricane they’re getting.

Impossible because a hurricane needs large amounts of water to sustain its strength. Which is why they peter out so quickly over land. They need the ocean. A hurricane like Agnes in 74 dumped water inland because it kept cycling back out over the Atlantic to pick up more

K as as Vegas is too far inland and in the desert. The hot dry air no atmospheric moisture and no water underneath it should immediately suck the air out of any storms coming over the desert and toward the city.

It’s an impossible hurricane.

I went for my doctorate in atmospheric sciences but didn’t achieve it. Still. This couldn’t be happening over the desert.

And if the impossible hurricane magically happens it still can’t dump feet of rain. There’s no storm surge and no tidal wave. Just wind and maybe at most 12” of rain. Barely enough to get your feet wet.

So why the national guard. PRIOR to any actual emergency? That pre-deployment of the National Guard has never been done for any other hurricane until AFTER.


My children and grandchildren moved to Vegas. If this is another cover for a DEW attack to raze an area for development it will be the east side. Northwest is full of big celebrity homes. The strip is protected. But the east side is just people trying to survive.


Rain and wind never hurt anyone. But shutting off the water for equity talks, national guard roundup evacuations, and magical fires that happen under a deluge of rain, do.


Pray for people in Vegas