Anonymous ID: 96d28d Aug. 19, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19388202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8246 >>8254


> never Jews


Don't you see the attempt to divide here? There are Torah observant Jews (like Dr. Zelenko) and then there are "atheist" Jews (synagogue of satan, imo). Get them all conflated and what do you have? When people finally decide to unite against their persecutors they flame out against the "Jews" and which ones are in reach? Torah observant shop keepers , etc. Meanwhile "atheist Jews" (Babylonian, "synagogue of satan"- types) have a field day.


Lets get over it. He is a Jew (true, godly) who is one inwardly in the attitude of the heart.