Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Q Research Canada #46: MAiD For All Occasions? Edition Aug. 19, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19389079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Welcome To Q Research Canada

The truths and ethics of the Western-Christian traditions, are infinitely precious, not only, as we believe, because they are true, but also because they provide the moral impulse which alone can lead to that peace, in the true meaning of the word, for which we all long. . . . There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves.

The countless who died during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War laid their lives for the red ensign, and not the current maple leaf which was implemented in 1967. Lets pay homage to our rich history, lets make Canada the True North Strong and Free Again.

There are many digs to be had based on the Canadian Swamp, involved in U1, SNC Lavalin, Ethics Violations by the Office of the Prime Minister, Huwaii, Oilsands, Human Trafficking. LETS FIGURE IT OUT AND DRAIN THE NORTHERN SWAMP!

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.






Bienvenue À Q Research Canada

Les vérités et l'éthique des traditions chrétiennes occidentales sont infiniment précieuses, non seulement, comme nous le crois, parce qu'elles sont vraies, mais aussi parce qu'elles fournissent l'impulsion morale qui seule peut conduire à cette paix, dans le vrai sens du mot, pour laquelle nous aspirons tous. . . . Il y a peu d'espoir pour la démocratie si le cœur des hommes et des femmes dans les sociétés démocratiques ne peut être touché par un appel à quelque chose de plus grand qu'eux-mêmes.

Les innombrables morts de la première, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée ont donné leur vie au red ensign, et non à la feuille d'érable actuelle qui a été mise en œuvre en 1967. Rendons hommage à notre riche histoire, rendons le Canada à nouveau fort et libre.

Il y a beaucoup de fouilles à faire sur la base du Marais Canadien, impliqué dans U1, SNC Lavalin, violations de L'éthique par le Bureau du Premier ministre, Huwaii, sables bitumineux, traite de personnes. PERMET DE COMPRENDRE ET DE DRAINER LE MARAIS DU NORD!

Nous tenons ces vérités pour évidentes: que tous les hommes sont créés égaux; qu'ils sont dotés par leur Créateur de certains droits inaliénables; que parmi ceux-ci se trouvent la vie, la liberté et la poursuite du bonheur.

Nous sommes des chercheurs qui traitent d'informations open source, d'arguments raisonnés et de mèmes humides. Nous nous battons uniquement dans le domaine des idées et des idées. Nous n'avons pas besoin ni n'approuvons le recours à la force dans notre travail ici.


Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Aug. 19, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.19389081   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Aug. 19, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19389082   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Aug. 19, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19389084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables are NOT Endorsements



>>19183640 LNG industry leaders urge Canada to seize global demand or risk being left behind

>>19184039 Tucker Watches in Disbelief as Nikki Haley Says Basement-Dwelling, Baby-Sniffing Joe Biden Legitimately Got 81 Million Votes

>>19184211 'Help' Or 'Harm' - Visualizing Global Sentiment On AI

>>19197568 Who's the real anti-Semite? George Soros vs. Viktor Orban (video)

>>19200872 Ratio'd: Trudeau's Canada: Migrant tent cities take over Toronto (video)

>>19201648 Canada changes Access to Information rules to require proof of citizenship to file request

>>19202446 Gov-funded program finalists include edible insect, human composting businesses

>>19205344 New petition calls on SK gov to defund Planned Parenthood following "sex cards" controversy

>>19205347 Hells Angels in control of BC ports?

>>19205362 Trudeau's families minister attends U.N. Summit on Agenda 2030

>>19205371 Inside the Nazi/Communist 'House of Terror' in Budapest (video)

>>19207293 Ontario teacher berated Muslim students for skipping "Pride Day"

>>19211675 Feds, provinces denounce 'illegal' B.C. port strike as union rejects federal deal

>>19211808 How Hungary has evolved from its Communist past (video)

>>19216745 Another Ontario University hiring faculty based on race

>>19216788 Ratio'd: The Canadian justice system has COLLAPSED (video)

>>19216909 Worldcoin CEO: Global Digital Currency Tied To Global Digital ID Will Soon Be Required Whether You Like It Or Not

>>19227186 Press for Truth: Unmarked Graves Investigation Comes Up EMPTY, No Criminal Activity Found (video)

>>19232220 OpenAI's Sam Altman Launches 'WorldCoin' Token To Distinguish Humans From Bots

>>19238484 Rural Ontario food banks report record uptick in new families accessing services

>>19238779 Taking the Sound of Freedom fight on Human Trafficking from film to action (video)

>>19239334 Von der Leyen explaining how WEF needs partners they can trust & trade with countries with same common principals & core values (video)

>>19241188 Manitoba First Nation begins excavating 'unmarked graves' after year-long RCMP investigation

>>19241613 Alarming abuse and negligence continue to plague Quebec's Department of Youth Protection (video)

>>19244425 "I'm Beginning to Seriously Believe DC Is Run By Literal Demons" (video)

>>19247018 Canada launching 988 suicide hotline on Nov. 30

>>19247339 CTF: Canada's Housing Corporation gives staff $75 million in bonuses during housing affordability crisis

>>19251784 Candidate for NORAD commander says he's committed to 'tough conversations' with Canada about defence spending

>>19262761 Walls closing in on the Biden family? Pope Francis also meets with WHO leader Dr. Tedros (video)

>>19263549 The WEF Penetrationary

>>19273625 Hungarian parliament fails to approve Sweden’s NATO bid

>>19275236 Milton man acquitted on murder charges against home invader

>>19275417 Ottawa abandoned 1,250 Canadians and Afghan allies during the fall of Kabul to ‘conserve fuel’

>>19275875 Elon Musk: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa.”

>>19284992 Pilot CBDC Shows Central Bank Has Total Control • Freeze User Accounts, Decrease Targeted Addresses Balances, Arrest, And Mint New Units Of The Digital Currency

>>19290896 Chrystia Freeland is a wicked liar (video)

>>19291578 ‘Elites’ Cannot Hide From The Consequences Of Their Actions

>>19291663 How The West Was Won and Lost: A Cartel History

>>19293242 Senate recommends “every action necessary” to combat “residential school denialism”

>>19294000 Danielle Smith commits $4 million to fight human trafficking in Alberta

Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Aug. 19, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19389085   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>19308691 Press for Truth: “Sound Of Freedom” Funder Arrested For Child Trafficking, Producer Angel Studios Responds (video)

>>19308754 Job-killing government policies forced rural BC lumber mill into layoffs

>>19309079 N.S. minister calls for residents to rent out extra rooms to combat housing crisis

>>19309229 BC First Nation one step closer to building innovative floating LNG plant

>>19311053 EU state wants to enshrine ‘right to cash’ in constitution

>>19311327 The climate alarmists are out in full force (video)

>>19311453 Trudeau government pondering 'digital first' approach to address federal service backlog

>>19316038 Migrant Apprehensions at One U.S.-Canada Border Sector Exceed Prior 9 Years Combined

>>19322306, >>19328675 EPS warns violent sexual offenders released from jail

>>19327387 B.C. port workers ratify four-year deal, prompting federal review to avoid further disruptions

>>19327698 Kenya Kicks Eye-Scanning Worldcoin To The Curb – Refuses To Become 'Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs'

>>19328167 Freedom of Information Act in USA/Access to Information Act in Canada

>>19328465 Police bust global pedophile ring after fatal FBI shooting

>>19331988, >>19345852 Autism centre owner charged with human trafficking released on bail

>>19334151 Be Very Concerned About Health Canada Changes to Natural Health Products -Dr. Byram Bridle (video)

>>19336665 Child sexual exploitation growing exponentially, police struggling to keep up

>>19337562 Ratio’d: This is RUINING Canada and nobody is trying to solve it (video)

>>19341782 Dr. Robert Malone on CIA & Department of Defense Connections (video)

>>19342955 Feds snub Indigenous groups in talks to purchase Trans Mountain pipeline

>>19343318 Bank of Canada says digital currency is 'unnecessary' and 'not feasible'

>>19356408 Poland To Hold a Referendum on Illegal Immigration – Move Comes as Polish-Belarusian Border Has Become the Most Dangerous in the EU

>>19356699 How Smart Cities Will Lock Up Humanity Inside Open Air Concentration Camps

>>19364427 Soros To End 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift'

>>19364884 Trudeau Liberals launch $4.3 million campaign to fund contraception, abortion for indigenous people

>>19371568 Updated Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>19371584 Updated Dr. Mark Trozzi Bun

>>19371586 Updated Trudeau Bun

>>19371590 Updated Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>19371906 George Soros’ investment firm lost around $105 million on green energy company boosted by Biden

>>19373663 With teachers threatening strike action again, does Ontario need school choice? (video)

>>19377905 Justin Trudeau and Canada’s Elites Double Down on Poverty-by-Migration

>>19378491 Shots fired at homeless encampment in small Ontario town

>>19382731 Canada fears result of 2024 US election – FM

>>19387474 Jagmeet Singh under fire over wife’s rental property in British Columbia

>>19387499 Electricity costs in Alberta double when compared to last year

>>19388225 Why NATO Has Become An Enemy Of Peace And Security Around The World

>>19388342 Germany Reverses Course On Pledge To Meet NATO Military Spending Target

>>19388472 The Police State Has Embarked On A Ruthless, All-Out Assault On Freedoms

Anonymous ID: f52ea4 Aug. 19, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.19389088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>19388598 Proposed new guidelines may force Canadian medical personnel to offer euthanasia to patients

>>19388985 Final China Bun

>>19388987 Final Climate Change Bun

>>19388989 Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>19388991 Final Farmers and Food Bun

>>19388994 Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>19388996 Final Protests Bun

>>19389007 Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>19389011 Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>19389014 Final Wildfires Bun

>>19389016 Final Woke Bun