This is a day late but enough of the race garbage.
Did the dna thing looking for lost family members (I know, I know, but anon, if they want your dna bad enough, they can easily get it)
French, African, American Indian, Mediterranean, Ethiopian, Pacific Islander, Iranian, Afghan, Asian, Russian, Eskimo, Eastern/Western European, Pygmy. Caucasian minimal. More dark DNA than white.
I am blue eyed/very white skin. So what does that make me, a Zero bar? White on the outside, and brown on the inside?
What does that prove other than I am a Heinz 57? I dare say it proves that every human on the face of the earth is mixed, so cut the race crap.
"and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation"