This one was a Jew Cum Catcher.
Most all our Hollywood Stars did this shit for fame. Weinstein wasnt the first.
This one was a Jew Cum Catcher.
Most all our Hollywood Stars did this shit for fame. Weinstein wasnt the first.
The problem is the Jew haters are way more honest and accurate than the Jews have been. It really leads to one conclusion.
No it is not a sickness. Until the Jews are brought to account for their myraid of sins there can be no forgiveness. They must stand up and own their history or it will be just another limited hangout.
The Jews are in fact the single most important element in the NWO and the NWO could not function without the Jews.
All the truth must come out and let the chips fall where they may. Anything less is just lying.
Sorry Simon. Your going to have to get used to the fact we know what your tribe has been doing. And your going to have to pay a debt.